Never did manage fight caves pre eoc. Tho to be fair I thought guthans and sharks were all I needed. Got way too nervous after the 360 magic dudes. Remember the first time I got to them I thought it was jad lol
Fight pits were more my thing. Spent so much time there messing about lol. Was fun being left alive til the final fight. Sometimes people would forfeit to let me win but that always annoyed me. Ain’t need no tokkul jalYt!
Old School
Ah sad. Clan wars was probably more exciting tbh lol
At least I’ll be able to do slayer gitting ranged up
but first I’d wanna get ma legends cape
Old School
hmm. maybe i will just do fight caves lol. was looking at capes on the wiki, ardougne max cape looks amazing :o
pff. if i had the level req i could just get a twisted bow via bonds for a measly ~£1700
lol. i'm actually pretty excited to get a blowpipe. do you reckon people actually spend that much irl gp?
Old School
every once in a while you see some noob with no stats full 3a, an ely and a regen brace. and you know that guy buys bonds. but really of the few people i know on osrs no one buys bonds. the whales arent too common on osrs
getting nervous and dying to jad a few times is normal. after a few attempts you shouldnt have jad hands anymore and do it just fine. it really isnt that difficult of a fight. failed attempts only kinda suck cuz it takes so long to get to jad. isnt something you need to even worry about for a long time tho. get that range up and b gloves first
blowpipe really is a great weapon. but i swear its spec never hits when you need it to lol
Old School
Cherry Waves
Khaaaaaaaaaaan! Honest question. How do you feel about the new films?
I watched the old ones recently and as much as I like the long dragged out script, the new ones do have a faster vibe to it. Too shimmery, too much lense flares. Elsewise the plot is very short. And Leonard Nimoy (R.I.P.) violating the time line? *headache* 3/10. The Netflix stuff is just bad, not even going to rate that.
TOS, TNG, STV for the female lead and coffee. Sisko is a sexy one, but elsewise DS9 was too Cardassian for my taste.
2018 FIFA World Cup Russia™