Let's see what I am...
So... I'm a bandit... Well, at least I'm a zarosian
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:„•².²•„¸ ||¸„•²..'²•„:::²•„¸¸„•²¸„•²²•„¸¸„•²¸„•²²•„¸Pjoèlj
| ==== || ==== |:::¸„•²²•„¸²•„¸²•„¸²•„¸,¸.The Official Seal.¸¸„•²¸„•²¸„•²²•„¸
:²•„¸¸„•² || ²•„¸.¸„•:::.²•„¸¸„•²¸„•²²•„¸¸„•²of a Master Quester²•„¸¸„•²²•„¸²•„¸²•„¸
:::::'²•„,¸,|,¸,„•²':::¸„•²¸„•²²•„¸²•„¸¸„•²²•„¸Hall of Fame #0919¸„•²²•„¸¸„•²²•„¸ ¸„•²²•„¸
21-Apr-2011 13:14:28
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21-Apr-2011 13:15:37
A wizard turned me into a Corporal Beast!!! YES!!!!!!!! FEAR THE FACT THAT THERE'S NEVER BEEN A SUCCESFUL SOLO KILL OF ME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
30-Apr-2011 08:54:57
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30-Apr-2011 08:55:49
I shall become a...
Tormented Demon
......¸•º;•...........¸,‹•*º°"°º*•›,¸..........I am the pillar that holds all.........¸,‹•*º°"°º*•›,¸...........•;º•¸......
¸º¸•.º¸.º›,¸¸,,‹•º.............I cannot show my sadness or weakness at all..............º•›,,¸¸,‹º.¸º.•¸º¸
.•¸º¸...º•»«•º............•;º*•¸........º•»...But this pillar has a crack..«•º........¸•*º;•............º•»«•º...¸º¸•.
.......º»º•›,,¸¸_¸¸,,‹•º,‹•º,‹*....So how long can I stand till I finally fall....*›,º•›,º•›,,¸¸_¸¸,,‹•º«º.....
•Never say I wish, always just try! Wishing gets you nothing, trying will at least get you a step closer!•