sees barney ***ign and runs for the hills, but oh no! he has a heat seeking but!!! so i run and run and run into the water to try and shake him off, but it doesnt work!!!! so i swim into a whale and he hits it and the whale explodes and it sends me flying nto france and so:::
i grab a baguette and fire it up high
arg sorry i cant wait:
just before the bagguete lands, chuck norris comes out and round house kick*s it so hard it turns into a powdered wig, which slowly wafts to earth.
i tie the powdered wig to a dragon arrow and fire it up high....
*comes up and down, goes into the goblin mines beneath Lumbridge, turns a corner, kills a goblin, turns another corner, goes into the water, comes out, turns another corner, and kills you while mining. I videotape the entire thing. I climb out. Shoots an arrow down low*