Why do you think he keeps it on his hat?
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- Do not try to pretend to be a Forum moderator only posts with a green border on them are those of a Forum Moderator and itll be very obvious if you do!"It's against the forum rules. Simple as that.
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- Do not try to pretend to be a Forum moderator only posts with a green border on them are those of a Forum Moderator and itll be very obvious if you do!"It's against the forum rules. Simple as that.
Wait, Isn't that why people wear adornments?
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- Do not try to pretend to be a Forum moderator only posts with a green border on them are those of a Forum Moderator and itll be very obvious if you do!"It's against the forum rules. Simple as that.
why aren't you aware that your gremlin is using its brain power to force us to banter about your hat because he doesn't really like the color?
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- Do not try to pretend to be a Forum moderator only posts with a green border on them are those of a Forum Moderator and itll be very obvious if you do!"It's against the forum rules. Simple as that.