
¸·´¸·Art Competition Gallery

Quick find code: 55-56-326-65106755

Jan Member 2006


Posts: 24,133 Opal Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
V6 Top 3 drawings Information

Art Competition #6: Christmas asked artists to draw their best image of what they thought represented Christmas. The following is the list of winners. You can view their winning artwork in the three posts below.


V6 First Place Winner

Author: Long Hair 7
Drawing: Snowman
Recommended viewing: Google Chrome @ 100% zoom

·¸·`·¸ V6 Second Place Winner ¸·´·¸·

Author: Ruby Inferno
Drawing: Christmas Pudding Amulet
Recommended Viewing: Firefox @ 100% zoom

V6 Third Place Winner

Author: Lila Krieger
Drawing: Penguin dressed as a snowman
Recommended Viewing: Google Chrome @ 100% zoom.
Additional Note : This drawing is alt spaced and is only viewable in Chrome or Internet explorer.

05-Aug-2013 13:11:20 - Last edited on 23-Dec-2015 07:00:09 by Cyanid

Jan Member 2006


Posts: 24,133 Opal Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
V6 First Place Winner

Winner will be announced at the conclusion of the contest and their drawing will be inserted in this post.

Author: Long Hair 7

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05-Aug-2013 13:11:32 - Last edited on 24-Dec-2015 23:35:10 by Cyanid

Jan Member 2006


Posts: 24,133 Opal Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
·¸·`·¸ V6 Second Place Winner ¸·´·¸·

Winner will be announced at the conclusion of the contest and their drawing will be inserted in this post.

Author: Ruby Inferno

Coloured version

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05-Aug-2013 13:11:37 - Last edited on 23-Dec-2015 06:55:37 by Cyanid

Jan Member 2006


Posts: 24,133 Opal Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
V6 Third Place Winner

Winner will be announced at the conclusion of the contest and their drawing will be inserted in this post.

Author: Lila Krieger

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05-Aug-2013 13:11:49 - Last edited on 27-Jun-2014 12:49:45 by Cyanid

Jan Member 2006


Posts: 24,133 Opal Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
V7 Top 3 drawings Information

Art Competition #7: Signatures asked artists to draw their best signature. The following is the list of winners. You can view their winning artwork in the three posts below.


V7 First Place Winner

Author: Samsaurus99
Drawing: Sam Signature 1
Recommended viewing:

·¸·`·¸ V7 Second Place Winner ¸·´·¸·

Author: Ruby Inferno
Drawing: Ruby's "Serious" Entry
Recommended Viewing:

V7 Third Place Winner

Author: Nop Patar
Drawing: Nop's Coloured Sig
Recommended Viewing:


05-Aug-2013 13:11:59 - Last edited on 24-Dec-2015 21:43:24 by Cyanid

Jan Member 2006


Posts: 24,133 Opal Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
V7 First Place Winner

Winner will be announced at the conclusion of the contest and their drawing will be inserted in this post.

Author: Samsaurus99

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05-Aug-2013 13:13:06 - Last edited on 24-Dec-2015 21:39:23 by Cyanid

Jan Member 2006


Posts: 24,133 Opal Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
·¸·`·¸ V7 Second Place Winner ¸·´·¸·

Winner will be announced at the conclusion of the contest and their drawing will be inserted in this post.

Author: Ruby Inferno


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‘A Ruby in a Fire
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“Completely Coconuts’
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05-Aug-2013 13:13:12 - Last edited on 24-Dec-2015 21:39:56 by Cyanid

Jan Member 2006


Posts: 24,133 Opal Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
V7 Third Place Winner

Winner will be announced at the conclusion of the contest and their drawing will be inserted in this post.

Author: Nop Patar

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05-Aug-2013 13:13:23 - Last edited on 24-Dec-2015 21:40:25 by Cyanid

Jan Member 2006


Posts: 24,133 Opal Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
V8 Top 3 drawings Information

Art Competition #8: Star Wars! asked artists to draw from any of the episodes or from elsewhere in the Star Wars universe. The following is the list of winners. You can view their winning artwork in the three posts below.


V8 First Place Winner

Author: Long Hair 7
Drawing: BB8
Recommended viewing: -

·¸·`·¸ V8 Second Place Winner ¸·´·¸·

Author: Saphira551
Drawing: Darth Maul
Recommended Viewing: Firefox @100%

V8 Third Place Winner

Author: Nop Patar
Drawing: Mustafar Battle
Recommended Viewing: -


05-Aug-2013 13:13:57 - Last edited on 13-Feb-2016 23:50:38 by Cyanid

Jan Member 2006


Posts: 24,133 Opal Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
V8 First Place Winner

Winner will be announced at the conclusion of the contest and their drawing will be inserted in this post.

Author: Long Hair 7

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05-Aug-2013 13:14:58 - Last edited on 13-Feb-2016 23:31:23 by Cyanid

Quick find code: 55-56-326-65106755 Back to Top