My idea is simple. You just hit ctrl + V and post it!
It will come completely random to most people
* Rules ¤
1. Keep it clean. (if you were on another site, that isn't appropriate for kids, don't post it)
2. Keep it real. (don't copy something just to post it here)
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4. Do not spam for the milestone posts! This is annoys me, and is unfair to others.
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¤ NOTE ¤
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¤ Milestone posts ¤
1° Elvish*y
500 ° Dalek-Ori
1000 °
1500 °
2000 °
27-Mar-2009 04:08:51
Last edited on 27-Mar-2009 04:09:13 by Elvishly
Oh, sweet, it's back!
A goblin walked into a cave where he saw the most epic *player's name* owning ever.
27-Mar-2009 04:09:01
this was already copyd for a thread i posted on earlier lol.
EDIT:Wow there is alot there it took me quarter of an hour to read all the way through, and i must say it's VERY well witten! And i agree on almost everything, the mods, the built-in client tools, the audiance, the quests and specially the part about running all over the map for things that some random person asked you to get.
The part i found most intresting was the age thing, i think parts of the game could be made more mature for people, after all the most common age for people to play is 13+ right? So why are so many words censored? Why was the blood removed? Why is so much of runescape `safe` It needs more detail like blood, it's set in medieval times and thats how it was back then.
05-Dec-2009 14:49:32