
Prestigious Signature School 2

Quick find code: 55-56-26-64916570

Ruby Inferno

Ruby Inferno

Posts: 8,850 Rune Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
My assignment:

', ¸•°•, ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ¨¹·¸
,’ ‘.,¸¸,' ­ ­ Ruby ­ ­ ',

Okay, now for Sam's grade!

¸'˜¯˜'-.,¸ ‹-- Please do not use a comma then ¸ for transitions. Transitions should be steep and meet at a similar angle (as Nop has said before).
Also, these: ˜ don't seem to flow very well with the rest of the symbols in the wave. I think replacing them with ´ and ` would flow smoother. Put that all together:

,¤ ‹-- The ¤ looks a bit thick next to that comma. Maybe this would work better:

`·¸........! ‹-- I think a bracket would work better:

The rest of the signature, however, looks really good. :)

If I am allowed to give out assignments, then here's one:

Name: Ruby
Which student is to complete this? Sam
Line 1: Sam
Line 2:
Line 3: Practice Makes Perfect
Line 4:
Do you want Normal, Clean, Messy, or Leet text? Clean
What browser are you using? (IE, Firefox, etc) FireFox
How many lines do you want the signature to be? (1-4) 4
Do you want it Shaded, Alt Spaced, Regular, or Character Reduced? Advanced Shaded
Extra Notes: Good luck!
¸°ˆ ›,
¸• ¨¨°¸

¸*ˆˆ*+;„¸¸,.`-'´ ., ¸¸ .'
¸‹*ˆˆ*›. ,¸ ¸,.'

'., ¸ ,.¬
ˆ ˆ ¬.,¸ ¸,.·´

30-Jun-2013 22:26:43

May Member 2008


Posts: 15,715 Opal Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
'.,¸¸, .:;;:.¯"-·-'.:;;:. ..¸-'¨¯..¸,.-.,¸^¨¯¯¨^¸,.-.,¸..¯¨'-¸ .. .:;;:. '-·-"¯.:;;:. ,¸¸,.'
. .. ::;;: .¸.'¯ˆ'-.,¸¸,.¬´..:;:.Prát¢íçë Måkëš Pêrƒèçt.:;:..`¬.,¸¸,.-'ˆ¯'.¸ . :;;:: .. .
..'.,¸¸,.¬´.. . .::;;;;::. .¸,.-'ˆ¯ˆ¹. , ¸\_±‡±_/¸ , .¹ˆ¯ˆ'-.,¸. .::;;;::. . .. `¬.,¸¸,.' ..

01-Jul-2013 16:49:26 - Last edited on 02-Jul-2013 15:58:14 by Samsaurus99

Shu Gumshu

Shu Gumshu

Posts: 1,481 Mithril Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
ˆ¸ ;:. `-¸ ;;;;;:;;:;:::::..:..... . ......... Årñå† ......... .. .....:..:::::;:;;:;;;;; ¸-´ .:; ¸ˆ
;: ` ›¸ ;: `-¸ ;;;;:;::::.:... .. ... Wㆢh mê šhädé †hìš ... .. ...:.::::;:;;;;¸-´ :; ¸‹ ´ :;
;: ¸‹¹ˆ’,ˆ¹›¸ ˆ.„¸¸„.¤°'´`'°¤.„¸ ;:;:.:. Šîgñà†µrë! .:.:;:; ¸„.¤°'´`'°¤.„¸¸„.ˆ ¸‹¹ˆ,’ˆ¹›¸:;
;: ’,¸¸,’ .:;: ` ›.„¸¸„.«°'´`'°».„¸ ......:.:::;:;;:;:::.:..... ¸„.«°'´`'°».„¸¸„.‹ ´ :;:.’,¸¸,’ :;

Sorry for getting this in so late, I had a baseball tournament all weekend and was gone for the majority of the weekend.

Ðø whå† ýôµ lðvë áñd
­¯¨ ·.„¸_¸„¤^°*´¯´*°^¤„¸„.¬›
gîvè ï† ÿõür vêrý b隆.
­ ‹¬.„¸„¤^°*´¯´*°^¤„¸_¸„.· ¨¯

02-Jul-2013 07:38:10 - Last edited on 02-Jul-2013 07:40:01 by Shu Gumshu



Posts: 754 Gold Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Sorry for this being so late, I was gone for a week and then have had internet troubles for a few days.




..... (†/\†) ... ¸„«¹^'^¹»„¸ (Text) ¸„«¹^'^¹»„¸ .. (†/\†) ....
........ ¸„«¹^'^¹»„¸¸¸„«¹^ '(Text) ^¹»„¸¸¸„«¹^'^¹»„¸ ........
¸„«¹^ ¸¸„«¹^' ¸¸„«¹^¹»„¸ (Text)' ¸„«¹^¹»„¸¸ '^¹»„¸ ^¹»„¸

02-Jul-2013 19:08:30 - Last edited on 02-Jul-2013 19:08:50 by Mogul103

May Member 2008


Posts: 15,715 Opal Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile

Someone maybe grade this?

'.„¸......`-.,¸¸_¸;.-'......¸.·'Šîgñåtµrê Çártðõñìšt'·.¸......'-.;¸_¸¸,.-´......¸„.'
{¸¸,.-´...........\±/....'.,¸¸,.·´..¨"^²º¹³^"¨.. `·.,¸¸,.'....\±/...........`-.,¸¸}

02-Jul-2013 21:52:24

Ruby Inferno

Ruby Inferno

Posts: 8,850 Rune Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
@Sam: I'll grade both of your signatures for you. :)

For the first signature you made...

.. ::;;: . ‹-- Please never put a colon right next to a space, as it states in the advanced shading guide. ;)

'.,¸¸, .:;;:.¯"-·-'
I don't recommend using _ for transitions, unless those are supposed to be two separate waves; in which case, it's fine.

(Quite picky) That wave in the midde looks good, except the ^ symbols look a bit thick compared to ¨ so maybe this would work better: ^ˆ¯¯ˆ^

On the fourth line, there's a tiny mirroring issue:
..'.,¸¸,.¬´.. and .. `¬.,¸¸,.' ..
^ There should be a couple of spaces each side of the first wave. ;)

The overall signature, however, looks great. :)

Now for your second signature...

'.„¸......`-.,¸¸_¸;.-'......¸.·'Šîgñåtµrê Çártðõñìšt'·.¸......'-.;¸_¸¸,.-´......¸„.'
{¸¸,.-´...........\±/....'.,¸¸,.·´..¨"^²º¹³^"¨.. `·.,¸¸,.'....\±/...........`-.,¸¸}

Wow, this looks amazing! I can't actually see anything worth pointing out. :)

Name: Ruby
Which student is to complete this? Sam
Line 1: Samsaurus99
Line 2:
Line 3: Signatures by Nature
Line 4: Puns for Fun
Do you want Normal, Clean, Messy, or Leet text? Messy
What browser are you using? (IE, Firefox, etc) FireFox
How many lines do you want the signature to be? (1-4) 4
Do you want it Shaded, Alt Spaced, Regular, or Character Reduced? Advanced Shaded
Extra Notes: Make the signature symmetrical. :)
¸°ˆ ›,
¸• ¨¨°¸

¸*ˆˆ*+;„¸¸,.`-'´ ., ¸¸ .'
¸‹*ˆˆ*›. ,¸ ¸,.'

'., ¸ ,.¬
ˆ ˆ ¬.,¸ ¸,.·´

03-Jul-2013 01:47:42

Ruby Inferno

Ruby Inferno

Posts: 8,850 Rune Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile

Looks good. :)

`-¸ ;;;;;:;;:;:::::..:.....
^ Ideally, you'll want the darkness nearer the border, like the shading at the bottom of the signature. Maybe this would work better:
`-¸ ....:.::.:::;:;;:;;:;;;

^ For reasons stated above.
. .:.:;

.:;: ‹-- As it states in the advanced shading guide, please do not put a colon right next to a space.

These waves on lines 3 and 4: ¸„.¤°'´`'°¤.„¸ ¸„.«°'´`'°».„¸
When identical (or very similar) waves on different lines are lined up with eachother, like this:
It tends to look a bit repetitive. Maybe you could change one of the waves:

The overall border and shading looks pretty good. :)

¨`ˆ”°¤ Signature Application

Name: Ruby
Which student is to complete this? Arnat
Line 1: Arnat
Line 2:
Line 3: Shading Is Cool
Line 4: Literally When It's Sunny
Do you want Normal, Clean, Messy, or Leet text? Clean
What browser are you using? (IE, Firefox, etc) FireFox
How many lines do you want the signature to be? (1-4) 4
Do you want it Shaded, Alt Spaced, Regular, or Character Reduced? Advanced Shaded
Extra Notes: If you think something doesn't look right, feel free to read some of the guides provided in this thread. ;)
¸°ˆ ›,
¸• ¨¨°¸

¸*ˆˆ*+;„¸¸,.`-'´ ., ¸¸ .'
¸‹*ˆˆ*›. ,¸ ¸,.'

'., ¸ ,.¬
ˆ ˆ ¬.,¸ ¸,.·´

03-Jul-2013 02:21:53

Ruby Inferno

Ruby Inferno

Posts: 8,850 Rune Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile

¸,.¬•¬.,¸¸¸,.¬•¬.,¸ ‹-- This hasn't got enough high symbols. Maybe this would be better:

_„.¬«¹*^°“'¨¨'”°¹»¬.„__„.¬«¹*^°“'¨¨'”°¹»¬.„_ ‹-- This isn't mirrored properly, and also looks a bit messy. Always keep your waves mirrored, remember.

¸„«¹^'^¹»„¸¸¸„«¹^'^¹»„¸ ‹-- This one looks great! Nice flow. :)

For your next assignment, please change the text in this signature so it is Ç|êäñ. Refer to the guide on page 2 for help.

¸•°'´`'°•,¸¸,•°'´`'°•,¸ Please Clean Me! ¸,•°'´`'°•,¸¸,•°'´`'°•¸
¸°ˆ ›,
¸• ¨¨°¸

¸*ˆˆ*+;„¸¸,.`-'´ ., ¸¸ .'
¸‹*ˆˆ*›. ,¸ ¸,.'

'., ¸ ,.¬
ˆ ˆ ¬.,¸ ¸,.·´

03-Jul-2013 04:34:44

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