
Prestigious Signature School 2

Quick find code: 55-56-26-64916570

Nop Rs

Nop Rs

Posts: 14,357 Opal Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
ˆ›¸ ..¸•°°•¸ …....ˆ°›„¸¸„•°ˆˆ°•„¸'°•„¸ Çøµrågê ¸„•°'¸„•°ˆˆ°•„¸¸„‹°ˆ….... ¸•°°•¸.. ¸‹ˆ
....´ ›;¸¸„‹ˆ . ¸„¤º°º¤„¸ˆ°•„¸`'°»„¸¯¨ ·.„¸¸„.· ¨¯¸„«°'´¸„•°ˆ ¸„¤º°º¤„¸ .. ˆ›„¸¸;‹ ´....
…......ˆ›¸¸„•°'´`'°•„¸`'°•„¸¸„•°'´¸„«°Ïš ƒðúñd Ìñ°»„¸`'°•„¸¸„•°'´¸„•°'´`'°•„¸¸‹ˆ…......
….......... `'°»„¸¸„«°'´¸„«°'´`'°»„¸ Ûñ|ìkë|ý þ|â¢ëš ¸„«°'´`'°»„¸`'°»„¸¸„«°'´ …..........

The strikethrough looks nice, especially for a first attempt. Just three things you can do to clean it up.

ˆ›¸ would look a bit better if it were steeper. Perhaps ˆ¸
´ ›;¸¸„‹ˆ This needs to come up steeper, and I'm not quite feeling the left side of this, not sure why. `›.;¸¸„.ˆ
ˆ›¸¸„•°'´`'°•„¸ This needs to come up steeper, and more smoothly. ˆ.„¸¸„.•°'´`'°•.„¸

As for the rest of the signature it looks nice, but try to stay away from simple wave tweaking now that you are a 3rd year. It looks good in moderation, but you should be working on your transitional skills.

Name: Nop
Which student is to complete this? Laxv
Line 1:
Line 2:
Line 3: Fair Speech
Line 4: May Hide a Foul Heart
Do you want Normal, Clean, Messy, or Leet text? Messy
What browser are you using? (IE, Firefox, etc) IE
How many lines do you want the signature to be? (1-4) 4
Do you want it Shaded, Alt Spaced, Regular, or Character Reduced? Regular
Extra Notes: Symmetrical. Stay away from simple wave tweaking, I want to see your transitions. :P
OSRS Newb Help Initiative ',
¸.‹ *³ˆ;'°*• .„¸¸¸,.'
ˆ.,¸¸„:‹ "¨,¸¸,.‹´

22-Jun-2013 12:08:10 - Last edited on 22-Jun-2013 12:11:07 by Nop Rs

May Member 2008


Posts: 15,715 Opal Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
¸,.¹*˜¯˜*¹¸ ¸¹*˜¯˜*¹.,¸_ ŠïñgÎé Ðrëåm_¸,.¹*˜¯˜*¹¸ ¸¹*˜¯˜*¹.,¸
....¸-.¸.....,`¸............. .'Κ Mõrè Pðwërfµl. .............¸´,.....¸.-¸....
....', ¸'.....¹,¸'.........Tháñ ä Thôùšâñd Rëålìtïéš.........'¸,¹.....'¸ ,' ....
¸,.;`-.,¸¸,.-*¯˜ * ¹ . , ¸ ¸_÷ \±‡±/ ÷_¸ ¸ , . ¹ * ˜¯˜*¹.,¸¸,.-´;.,¸

22-Jun-2013 18:18:50

Shu Gumshu

Shu Gumshu

Posts: 1,481 Mithril Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
For my assignment...

ˆ¸ ..¸•°°•¸ .. ˆ›¸.............¸‹ˆ...¸‹°ˆ°›¸...ˆ›¸..............¸‹ˆ . ¸•°°•¸.. ¸ˆ
….`›.;¸¸„.ˆ........´ ›.„¸„.‹ `¸„ -¨..........¨- „¸ ´ ›.„¸„.‹ `........ˆ.„¸¸;.‹´....
….ˆ›¸ˆ.„¸¸„.•°'´`'°•.„¸......l=@i¦® §¶€£©)-(......¸„.•°'´`'°•.„¸¸„. ˆ¸‹ˆ....
….....¨- „¸¸„ -¨¯¨.(¥)@¥ l-l¦Ð€ @ l=[](_)|_ |-|£@®†.¨¯¨- „¸¸„ -¨........

Finally got enough time to do this. I had a baseball tournament all weekend and was there for over 8 hours both Saturday and Sunday.

Edit: Changed name from Laxv to Arnat.

Ðø whå† ýôµ lðvë áñd
­¯¨ ·.„¸_¸„¤^°*´¯´*°^¤„¸„.¬›
gîvè ï† ÿõür vêrý b隆.
­ ‹¬.„¸„¤^°*´¯´*°^¤„¸_¸„.· ¨¯

24-Jun-2013 18:07:33 - Last edited on 24-Jun-2013 23:46:56 by Shu Gumshu

Nop Rs

Nop Rs

Posts: 14,357 Opal Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
¸,.¹*˜¯˜*¹¸ ¸¹*˜¯˜*¹.,¸_ ŠïñgÎé Ðrëåm_¸,.¹*˜¯˜*¹¸ ¸¹*˜¯˜*¹.,¸
....¸-.¸.....,`¸............. .'Κ Mõrè Pðwërfµl. .............¸´,.....¸.-¸....
....', ¸'.....¹,¸'.........Tháñ ä Thôùšâñd Rëålìtïéš.........'¸,¹.....'¸ ,' ....
¸,.;`-.,¸¸,.-*¯˜ * ¹ . , ¸ ¸_÷ \±‡±/ ÷_¸ ¸ , . ¹ * ˜¯˜*¹.,¸¸,.-´;.,¸

Real nice job here, only two things I could find.

¸-.¸ this kinda looks like ¸-¨›.„¸ Let's round it out a bit. Maybe ¸„.„¸ or ¸‹›¸ or ¸·-·¸ you get the point.

*¯˜ Since ¯ is high and very distinct I would recommend adding in some more high symbols. Maybe *´¯ ˜

Name: Nop
Which student is to complete this? Sam
Line 1: Yo Yo Yo
Line 2: I'm Tired
Line 3: Too Lazy
Line 4: To Look Up J.R.R. Tolkien Quotes!
Do you want Normal, Clean, Messy, or Leet text? W/e
What browser are you using? (IE, Firefox, etc) IE
How many lines do you want the signature to be? (1-4) 4
Do you want it Shaded, Alt Spaced, Regular, or Character Reduced? Advanced Shading PSS style
Extra Notes: Check out the newly updated guides. Not trying to change your shading style, but you should be able to do it this way as well. Sorry about the text lol :P
OSRS Newb Help Initiative ',
¸.‹ *³ˆ;'°*• .„¸¸¸,.'
ˆ.,¸¸„:‹ "¨,¸¸,.‹´

25-Jun-2013 03:52:11

Nop Rs

Nop Rs

Posts: 14,357 Opal Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
¸¤ª'ª¤¸ .........¸‹ ª ›¸.........¸¤ª'ª¤¸
`*‹›*'ˆ'¤ .. This sig has .. ¤'ˆ'*‹›*´
........¸ˆ plenty of space!. ˆ¸........
ˆ¸¸›´ ............`ª¤ª´..........`‹¸¸ˆ

Much better with the space. There are a few flow/transition problems that need fixing.

`*‹›*'ˆ'¤ This doesn't come down steep enough, and the ¤ should be swapped with something that better transitions that line. Maybe '›.„¸¸„.‹‘¸

ˆ¸¸›´ You need some low-mid symbols ˆ.„¸¸„.‹´

For your next assignment please make 3 different waves that flow up and down like ¸‹^*^›.„¸¸„.‹^*^›.„¸¸„.‹

Then take your favorite wave and make an advanced border. Read through all the guides on pages 2 and three. Concentrate on balancing symbols of all heights, and really having solid flow.
OSRS Newb Help Initiative ',
¸.‹ *³ˆ;'°*• .„¸¸¸,.'
ˆ.,¸¸„:‹ "¨,¸¸,.‹´

25-Jun-2013 03:58:33

Nop Rs

Nop Rs

Posts: 14,357 Opal Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
ˆ¸ ..¸•°°•¸ .. ˆ›¸.............¸‹ˆ...¸‹°ˆ°›¸...ˆ›¸..............¸‹ˆ . ¸•°°•¸.. ¸ˆ
….`›.;¸¸„.ˆ........´ ›.„¸„.‹ `¸„ -¨..........¨- „¸ ´ ›.„¸„.‹ `........ˆ.„¸¸;.‹´....
….ˆ›¸ˆ.„¸¸„.•°'´`'°•.„¸......l=@i¦® §¶€£©)-(......¸„.•°'´`'°•.„¸¸„. ˆ¸‹ˆ....
….....¨- „¸¸„ -¨¯¨.(¥)@¥ l-l¦Ð€ @ l=[](_)|_ |-|£@®†.¨¯¨- „¸¸„ -¨........

Very nice job.

¸„ -¨¯¨ I would recommend adding a couple mid-high symbols. Maybe ¸„ ‹¹*¨¯¨

¸‹°ˆ°›¸ The ˆ seems a bit too high for me. Try ¸‹¹°¹›¸

Name: Nop
Which student is to complete this? Laxv
Line 1:
Line 2: Arnat
Line 3: What does that mean?
Line 4:
Do you want Normal, Clean, Messy, or Leet text? Leet
What browser are you using? (IE, Firefox, etc) IE
How many lines do you want the signature to be? (1-4) 3
Do you want it Shaded, Alt Spaced, Regular, or Character Reduced? Regular
Extra Notes: Don't use the following ° • ˆ Try to use some different symbols, but don't let that interfere with the quality of the signature!
OSRS Newb Help Initiative ',
¸.‹ *³ˆ;'°*• .„¸¸¸,.'
ˆ.,¸¸„:‹ "¨,¸¸,.‹´

25-Jun-2013 04:22:54

Ruby Inferno

Ruby Inferno

Posts: 8,850 Rune Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Here's my assignment...

¸„¤º"ˆˆ"¤¸ ¸¤'ˆˆ'º¤„¸¸„º"ˆ"º¸ 'Fòr Ëvêñ' ¸º"ˆ"º„¸¸„¤º'ˆˆ'¤¸ ¸¤"ˆˆ"º¤„¸
. .:. . ¸¤° "„ .::.. „¤º¤¸ ..:. . ".„¸„ ± „¸„." . .:.. ¸¤º¤„ ..::. „" °¤¸ . .:. .
..:.. „" ..:.. “.¸¸„" .:. „" .:.. '‡hë Vérÿ Wîšé ..:. "„ .:. "„¸¸.” ..:.. "„ ..:..
.:. . "„¸¸„¤'ˆˆ"º¤„¸¸„" .. Çàññð† Šèê Ãll Êñdš .. "„¸¸„¤º"ˆˆ'¤„¸¸„" . .:.

Does this look any good? I tried experimenting with thicker symbols.
¸°ˆ ›,
¸• ¨¨°¸

¸*ˆˆ*+;„¸¸,.`-'´ ., ¸¸ .'
¸‹*ˆˆ*›. ,¸ ¸,.'

'., ¸ ,.¬
ˆ ˆ ¬.,¸ ¸,.·´

25-Jun-2013 11:36:56

Quick find code: 55-56-26-64916570 Back to Top