Name of Country: Mantotian Federal Union (aka **U)
Country Type: Evil
Government Type: Dictatorship
Ruler: Blargman LePaxton (me)
Civilians: Mantotians
Population #: 333,000
Economy: Pretty good
Currency: Dead Bodies & Blood
Troops #: 35k
Types of Soldiers: Paxt Warriors, Paxt SkyWarriors, etc.
Military Tech: Plasma Giftbringer, Wall of Shame, etc.
Anything else you want to add: Blood is worth more than dead bodies, so sometimes Mantotians make "counterfeit blood" by taking bodies into a giant fan, starting the fan, and that's when things get ugly. (sorry if that was too gross. If so tell me so i can edit)
EDIT: o yea if my tech seems a little too advanced for 3rd age i will change as directed
20-Jul-2009 01:06:45
- Last edited on
20-Jul-2009 01:09:52