B - D - C - E - F - D - C - A - A - F
So, thats
A : 2
B : 1
C : 2
D : 2
E : 1
F : 2
Wow, a right old mix up there. So I'm a Zarosian, Armadylian, Guthixian and Saradominist, with a little dose of Zamorakian and Bandosian. Wonder what that means.
Ingame I don't think any one god is "right", and that each one has some philosophies which would benefit the world whereas some of the others that they have are "wrong". Suppose that might explain my very mixed results. I usually side with the decision I think is better rather than out of devotion to a God.
Q4 on a personal note, it'd have to be the Phoenix, rare, powerful, and very wise. Oh, and it can fly and looks awesome. Would be fun flying next to my Phoenix. (Well Phoenicies, I have both the babies ingame =D )
If you only do what you can do, you will never be more than you are now.
22-Dec-2013 23:13:20