11ohko11... many people say i am mental, but most say I was meant to be a pure but i didn't know how to be one, i am made fun of alot from my username but i like it, only rarely does someone say, " weird but nice name". That makes me happy...
Anyway, 11ohko11
When i created this name i wasn't thinking about spaces... and everyone says my name like this, "Eleven-O-K.O.-Eleven" (the K.O. is what makes everybody think i am a failed Pure...) but like i said i wasn't thinking about spaces and it really is suppose to sound like "One-One-O-Co-One-One" if I was thinkging at the time i would had spaced my name "1 1 ohko 1 1". I came up with the numbers by thinking of my date-of-birth... I was born in January so that is where i got one of my 1's, then i was born on the 1'st of January so it's 1-1-** and then, i thought it would be cool to repeat that same number again so it looked like i was squeezing the middle word next to them, (i didn't think of ohko yet so i didn't put that). For the "Oh" i was writing an essay for homework and i relized i spelled a word wrong and I said "Oh" (irl) and while i said "oh" I typed it too... The "Ko" was just plain weird and random... first, at this time all my friends were saying and spelling all the words that had "C" in it and replacing the "C" with a "K" and I was talking to my friend over the internet and his named was "Cobra" and if you pronounce Cobra you hear the "Co" so i replaced the C with a K and got Ko, so the Ko was just me trying to be like my friends... (which failed badly...)and like I i said i repeated 11 because i thought it would be cool to do that... Ty for taking your time and reading this...
and that is how i got my name.
dar kslasher was the first coolest thing i could think of lol i remember trying to get "darkslasher" and "dark slasher" but i got a name with no numbers which is what i wanted :p
and a acc called d arkslasher which was orginally going to be my main so i just choose what ever account i wanted to use as a main who do u think i chose :p