Eyes closed: I'm so pro that I'm typing all of this with my eyes closed. I'm just cool like that. I don't have to look at the keyboard to know what I'm typing.
I'm not gonna type with my eyes open, cause you wanted it, cause you needed it.
Testing, well after much deliberation, I am actually just as fast typing with my eyes closed as with them open, and yes I am typing all this with my eyes closes. Even took my hands away to take a drink and did that with my eyes closed too
Never tried this before. Better than I thought I would be;D
Sure. I came to visit the runescape forums, wondering if somehow the game had gotten better sinceI'd left. It hadn't, so I'll be leaving again after this. However, this little game was indeed fun to play. All the best!
In retrospect; I didn't do too poorly.
I hope you guys are have amazing days.
Remember to take breaks every once in awhile.
Retired from RS3. Trying out OSRS. To any of my old friends - I hope you are doing well
. Aliases: Woollyhats, Forum Tyler, Pal54