Let's see if I am able to type a paragraph well since I haven't done so in a bery long time. I am in a dark room typing this paragraph so it makes it difficult for me to type correctly even with my eyes open. Don't forget, you are able to post as many replies as you wish to see if you have gotten better and better at typing without the yse of your eyes.
Only two mistakes involving "very" and "use". I still got it.
·÷±‡±-If a Liar tells the Truth, would you Believe him?-±‡±÷·
With lights and eyes open: one apple, one orange, one peach, one mango, one strawberry, one grape, one apricot and a carrot equals the 8 a day rule.
No lights and eyes closed: one apple, one orange, one peach, one mango, one strawberry, one grape, one apricot and a carrot equals the 8 a day rule.