Welcome to Musical madness
This is the place where you make up a song, parody, poem about a word or short sentence from the post above. I know there are some players that could do this very easily and who are very talented. I would like you all to give this ago - it can be nonsensical and lots of fun
*Write a song, parody, poem from the word left by above poster.
*Write a new word or short sentence for next poster to use for there creative post.
*Please keep it clean, and all Jagex rules apply - thank you
Player A:
Player B
My Sandwich, my sandwich it keep falling off the bench,
I would add a piece of lettuce, a tomato or two.
But that silly sandwich keep falling off the bench.
Next came the meat, oh that lovely piece of meat,
But still that sandwich, that sandwich keep falling off the bench...
A Bunny's tail.
Player C:
A little while ago I got a little gift,
it was a little tail, a bunny one at that,
I wore it on my behind, and boy did I look cute,
The boys and girls of RuneScape saw my tail twitch,
I turned and gave a wink and carried on my way...
Now it is your turn
A banana
If fat means flavour then I'm ******* delicious!