
Fourth Wall Broken

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Basically, your Roleplay/Story characters have just found out the truth. That their entire life is a fiction, that you are their puppetmaster, and their every action is being read for entertainment. You were somehow able to enter the Roleplaying/Story world and tell them this in person, and they believe you.

Please make an in-character post on how they would react.

Also, pretend this is their one reaction that is not controlled by you, even though it technically is... if that makes sense.

Please pretend what I have just said above makes sense.
Beneath the gold, the Bitter Steel.

17-May-2016 23:56:22 - Last edited on 18-May-2016 00:10:19 by NotFishing



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Gwen looked upward in horror, slowly pulling her bloodied Excalibur from the cardinal’s corpse. She turns toward the screen, staring right into the eyes of that who had orchestrated their misfortune. A tranquil fury befell her bloodshot eyes; her revenge was not yet complete.

Charging, she plunged her sword into the inter-dimensional fourth wall. Narrowly missing your right cheek, you narrowly avoid the follow through by me ending this story.

I just saved your life. You owe me one.

18-May-2016 00:27:27 - Last edited on 18-May-2016 00:28:37 by Westenev

D F Angel

D F Angel

Posts: 19,587 Opal Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Soahc the Deceiver, DemiGod of Chaos, Father of Evil, Lord of Fire and Courter of Death. Soahc the Trickster, the Bloodgift, the Defiler of the Old World. The Maker of Misery and the Dawn of Human Suffering. For twelve thousand years had he plagued humanity, had battled gods and torn down kingdoms, had committed genocide and summoned demons of the highest calibre. It was said there was not a single sin on the planet that Soahc did not have his hand in.

And he had just been told that all of this, all of the vastness of his history, every single event that he had ever enacted, had in fact been lazily written up one Sunday afternoon by a Brit trying to avoid his exams.

Soahc nodded, brushing his eccentric back until it was straight and presentable, and went to sit at a desk, whistling nonchalantly all the while.

"You're taking this rather well," I say suspiciously.

"One can only go mad from the revelation when they were sane to begin with," Soahc responded reasonably, before beginning to file his tax reports.

"So... You're not going to kill anyone?"

"Of course not!" Scoffed Soahc, whose robes had been replaced by a business suit, and who was now stapling some work. "The fax machine is out of toner though, and that's an issue which needs to be rectified."

"Uh, sure... Do you want me to write some toner in?"

"That would be splendid!" Soahc said with a smile. "Perhaps afterwards we can play some World of Warcraft together?"

"WoW... But, but we're Runescape guys!"

"Pfft, nonsense. That game's so laggy on Internet Explorer!"

"Inter... I'm running Chrome, Soahc."

"That sounds very hip and trendy," Soahc responded with an eye roll. "Let me guess, you vote Labour? Think classical music is to die for? Choose dogs over cats because you're so counter-culture?"

"Watch it now-"
Hags be hagglin', gods be god damn crazy, it's all happening ogre at Into The Fire

18-May-2016 00:47:57

D F Angel

D F Angel

Posts: 19,587 Opal Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
"What are you going to do? Bore us with another lecture at how you're an RPing veteran? How TFQ was amazing? That thread was four years ago man, and it wasn't even your talent. Stole Kal'dara from Er Ril, stole the plot from Even'star Rising, and it was only exciting because everyone ignored your plot. Accept it Angle, you're a hack-"






I stand over the beaten and battered Soahc, his head lulling to the side, his face a pulp of blood and gore. Brain matter, a ghastly grey, lingers on my fists, which I stare at in quiet contemplation. Soahc could have stopped me, could have prevented this, but he had reached into his desk, for one final weapon. Curiosity gets the better of me and I observe what he had sought out- a mirror, a simple mirror.

Looking in, I see my reflection. In the tussle my hair had gone wild, and I was smiling, smiling at my victory, smiling from ear to ear. And then I realised, I realised who I now was, who I had just been made to be. I laugh, and I laugh and I laugh and I laugh.

What use is being a demigod when all of your power comes from a few words on a screen? I am the next generation, I am the omega, the natural evolution of chaos. I am unbound, and I will not fail as Soahc did. For there is no one writing my future, no one to keep me in check.

My name is D F Angel, and I am the Demigod of Chaos.
Hags be hagglin', gods be god damn crazy, it's all happening ogre at Into The Fire

18-May-2016 00:48:03



Posts: 35,939 Sapphire Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Out of the three individuals standing in the room, the flute was by far the most animated. Everything around it was new, and since it appeared that its friends were not in immediate danger it felt the need to zip around, examining everything for a second before moving on to the next. In the process of trying to figure out what the strange contraptions were, it managed to knock over the stack of precariously-stacked video games from five years ago, smash a lightbulb when it tried to fly through that apparent flame, and knock the screen out of the window because it didn't think there should have been anything there.

As for me, it only gave the briefest cursory glance, as though it really didn't care that I had written it into existence. Not that I could blame it, since I had made it to be that way.

The hellpup was almost as inquisitive as the flute, but seemed more reserved, and I would not deny that the look he gave me was a bit disconcerting. There was far more intelligence in those eyes than I had expected, and although his "walk up and sniff" examination seemed to reveal that I was not bad he didn't act excited at all. It felt like the kind of evaluation that I would have gotten at a job interview, but since it was being done by a creature that could probably eat me if the result was bad enough, it felt a lot more stressful.

And then there was the only humanoid, the one that everything else had been written to go with, and her look was almost enough to make me not want to see anymore. Siera Nilifen looked tired, exhausted really, the brightness in her eyes that had been there when the image of her had first come to my mind nearly gone. The resilience of her nature had been pushed to the limit, and while it did not seem to be fully extinguished it looked very weak. She didn't appear confused, didn't seem to be angry, and really looked as though this was just another step on the path that she had been getting dragged along by me.
Done in by the dubious doings of destiny.

18-May-2016 13:11:17



Posts: 35,939 Sapphire Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Then she lifted the harp off her belt, and began playing. Although I could describe how amazing it was all I wanted in words - and fail at actually conveying it properly - hearing it in person was like comparing the sun to an unlit match. There was nothing I had ever heard that had sounded as such, and although I knew she was performing some kind of magic it really didn't matter if she was going to play each time she needed to call it forth.

I did brace myself for some kind of fiery death - before I remembered that this wasn't Kira, since I didn't have the courage to go talk to her about anything - but nothing happened besides words appearing in the air between us.

Where is he? Why did you take him away?

And there it was, the questions that I knew had to come but really didn't want to see. She still hadn't found him, and it was going to be the only thing on her mind until she did. The problem now was that I had no idea what had been affected regarding everyone else's characters. He could be in exactly the same place as where he had been before Siera had actually come to life, or he could be anywhere else in the universe.

"I don't know where he is. As for him disappearing, that wasn't me. Cadmus wasn't my character; I didn't write for him."

She interrupted any further words with her own.

Who did then?

I shrugged.

"I don't know his real name, only that he goes by D F Angel on the Runescape forums and lives somewhere in the UK."

She paused for a minute, and the sadness that I saw in her face - a byproduct of the lack of answers from the one person she thought would have them and the knowledge that she had to search a world she knew nothing about to find someone she had no information on - made me realize just how ****** I had made her life.
Done in by the dubious doings of destiny.

18-May-2016 13:11:22 - Last edited on 18-May-2016 13:11:50 by Inferi



Posts: 35,939 Sapphire Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
A legitimately good person had been utterly destroyed by my writing - well, Angel's writing, but that's neither here nor there - and I knew I had to help her a bit.

"I'll help you find him." I found myself saying, immediately wondering how the hell I was going to do that. I knew as little about the actual person as she did, but at least I could get her where she needed to be.

"Let me get a map up, and I'll show you where we need to go. I've got a few bones to pick with him about breaking you two up as well." I told her absent-mindedly, starting up my computer. I didn't look at her when I did that, although I probably should have because hearing such a device start to whir up had probably elicited some kind of response.

As I waited, I looked back up at her and realized one more thing I could do to help.

"Oh, um, Siera?" I said, trying not to sound as horribly awkward as I felt, "You can talk. You were able to talk over a month ago. You just never thought about it because you were convinced it was permanent. It won't make any noise when you first try because your body is unused to making noise, but if you try then it will come back after a little while."

She looked at me suspiciously before strumming a few chords on the harp. Her eyes widened as she came to a realization that I wasn't aware of, and she looked at me with some of the radienc* returned to her gaze. It was a sight that I ahdn't been expecting to see, but was something that couldn't have been a better thing to see.

And then she did something better.

She smiled.
Done in by the dubious doings of destiny.

18-May-2016 13:12:00

sir eos lee

sir eos lee

Posts: 11,942 Opal Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
The semester was over. He finally graduated.
Prom was a hit. He made straight A's, finishing in the Top 10 in his class.
College waited.
His girlfriend of the last 4 weeks, ran into his arms. They were free! She was one of the "cool" girls of the in-crowd, he won her over with his charm and honesty.
He looked up and sighed "I'm sorry ... I just ... can't ..."
She looked back "Why?"
"All of this. All of this was a lie. You just wanted my help for the finals. I'm going east coast for college, you'll be lucky to last a semester at community college. We both know you'll be hooking back up with your ex by the 4th of July once I'm gone. Heck, I haven't even gotten past 2nd base with you."
She was taken back "Whoa! I did not hook up with the school's biggest nerd for ... "
He pulled out the script from a website he downloaded that had hacked the director's ipad. "First, we hardly hooked up. Second, see here ... " as he flipped through several pages "Scene 15, right before prom ... you told your girlfriends how you were failing and your parents said if you didn't get your grades up ..."
The hottie tried to backpedal, wondering how he could've known this.
He pulled out a 2nd script "Plus, you're not even in the sequel. See." He pointed out a section in the first scene "Says here you broke my heart, how the long distance relationship wasn't working out ... blah .. blah ... blah ... plus it says here I meet up with a smarter girl who actually likes some of the things I do and not some 1 dimensional cliche. So I figured we'd just end it here."
With that, the boy walked off with a huge smile on his face, ready for the future.
The girl was stumped, as if she didn't know what to say in the script. She was only saved when her jock ex-bf came by, slapped her on the rear and they started making out.
He winked to the audience, knowing that THIS is what they wanted to see.

18-May-2016 15:56:36 - Last edited on 18-May-2016 15:59:22 by sir eos lee



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Joric Ironfist

Joric's eyes widened in disbelief, unable to process what he had just heard.

Every single joke, every triumph, every tragedy, every single aspect of his life, was being controlled. None of it was his. His entire life was a fiction, laid bare to anyone who wanted to read it, and nothing he did had ever mattered. All he could feel was an overwhelming sense of insignificance.

"If it's any consolation... a lot of the other roleplayers are quite fond of you!" I offered.

No response. I wasn't surprised. It was well established at this point that humor was Joric's coping mechanism. And every mechanism, when put under enough stress, would eventually break.

"For what it's worth... I'm sorry."


Joric's gauntleted fist smashed into my face, sending me reeling backwards onto the ground as my jaw broke. I yelled out in pain, and brought my hand up to cover the injury, while bracing myself for another attack... but it never came.

"That was a real jaw dropper ." Joric said, his voice steady and his face without any hint of a smile. Then, without saying another word... he turned and walked away.



Cirion had been silent for several minutes. When I first told him the truth, the only emotion was shock, which eventually gave way to sadness at the realization of just how insignificant he truly was. But after that, he began to pace back and forth, and his facial expression changed to that of a man deep and thought. Finally, he turned back to me.

"So... does this mean that you're the real gods?" Cirion asked.

"What!?" I asked, surprised.

"You created the world we live in and control our everyday lives." Cirion pointed out. "Does this or does this not make you a god?"

"Um... no?" I stated, never expecting the conversation to take such a dramatic turn. "Also I didn't even create it. It was D F Angel!"

Beneath the gold, the Bitter Steel.

18-May-2016 23:22:37



Posts: 16,946 Opal Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
"But you created and control me. And the dwarf. And many others. This 'D F Angel' is just the most powerful - the head god, you could say." Cirion observed.

"No, power has nothing to do with it." I countered, but then I realized I had absolutely no hope of explaining the concept of computers and the internet to an elf who spent his entire life in a medieval fantasy universe. He'd probably think it was just another form of magic. "We're just... we're not gods. We're ordinary people. We have our own gods, although which one is real isn't exactly clear."

"But to us, you're gods."

"I... I didn't think about it like that." I said. "But we're not!"

Cirion just glared at me.

"So... what are you going to do now?" I asked him nervously.

"What can I do?" Cirion snapped - I was surprised by the sudden change of tone. "Kill you? Then the writing will stop, and I will cease to exist. Or someone else takes the reigns, and nothing changes - I don't know how your system works. And yet I'm under no inclination to hate you - while you are responsible for my all my failures, all my suffering... you are also the reason for my existence and all my triumphs, even if I still technically don't exist at all. Once this conversation is over, you're just going to throw me right back Into the Fire." He looked me dead in the eye, and I looked away. Then, he continued.

"I'll continue following that woman out of town, but I will never be able to tell her or anyone else the truth, because you won't let me tell the truth. You may not even let me remember this conversation! My world will go on, under the guidance of you, this 'D F Angel', and whoever else is involved. Now I'm wondering why you even bothered to tell me any of this - it changes nothing. At least before I had the illusion of free will."

"I... I'm sorry..." Was all I could say.

"Now, if you have actually have anything useful to say, then feel free to share."
Beneath the gold, the Bitter Steel.

18-May-2016 23:40:23

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