
The Great Council

Quick find code: 49-50-986-66168141

Jul Member 2011


Posts: 51,224 Emerald Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Name: Annie Wells

Age: 12

Gender: Female

Species: Half Human/ half elf

Appearance: She has long blond straight hair and her eye are dark blue. She has a short straight nose. Her skin is tan from being in the sun a lot. She is 4 feet 6 inches tall. She weighs 100 pounds.Annie’s body is covered in hard muscle and show’s very little fatty deposit anywhere on her body. That's because she has been traveling. She also looks a little more human then an elf. She has a notebook and pen with her in her hand.

Clothing: green shirt and black skirt.

Weapon: Dagger, bows and arrows

Personality: Kind, friendly,loves to learn new things, can make friends easily, very determined, very positive and like to go on adventures.

Magic: Yes


Fire- She can manipulation and make the fire from thin air. she can make puffs,waves,whip and other things with fire.

Nature- she can manipulation of plants,weather and other things with nature.

(She doesn't know she has power but strange things has been happening to her)

Short Character History: All Annie's life she was a spy. She was born in the Black Hand so, she was trained as a very young age by her father named Jim whose the best spy for The Black Hand. She was one of the best spies for her age because of her father. She has been on many missions as a spy and successful complete them with her father by her side. Now she does her missions by herself.

Annie Wells - 12 - Half human, half elf - Annie1227

29-Jun-2020 02:58:44



Posts: 35,939 Sapphire Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Over the centuries, many individuals labeled as “great” have come and gone, each leaving their mark on the world. Many were lauded for the empires that they built, others for their singular accomplishments in the face of impossible odds, and still others simply because they made a lucky decision and reaped the rewards. All were names that anyone could recognize, and whether one loved or hated the ones that received this title, nobody could deny that it elevated them above all others.

Such was the case with the Magus of Infinity, Arian Carei. Although a more reclusive member of the “greats”, there were few that did not, at the very least, know of his not-so-humble abode, a massive flying conglomeration of impossibly extravagant structures known as the “Soaring Towers”. It was a testament to his incredible magical prowess that the massive structure not only flew, but could travel as he wished, serving as a home, a vessel, and anything else that he desired.

He was someone that anyone who wished to study magic wanted to meet, whether that was to simply discuss a theory, beg to be taught by him, or just catch a glimpse of the great man rumored to be older than anyone else in the world. Nobody ever turned down an audience with him, for if he had something to say no ruler would ever discount it as unimportant.

Why, then, was his apprentice, a young woman in one of the most coveted positions in the universe, so annoyed at him?

The rant that would likely answer that question, were it ever asked, would unfold over several hours, and for the sake of all those involved it would be best if only the most recent transgressions were the focus. You see, despite the great accomplishments of the Magus, he was, as she would describe, a “senile old moron that doesn’t even pay attention to anything useful”. That included the summons that were supposed to be for everyone of great power, to which he had simply waved a hand and told her to go in his place.
Done in by the dubious doings of destiny.

30-Jun-2020 03:52:37



Posts: 35,939 Sapphire Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
He, in his words, “Needed time to contemplate the natures of the weave interlocked throughout the exterior of the dimensional void.”

And so here she was, sitting on the balcony in one of the Towers as it drifted through the sky and towards Pansilenus. One might think that her, a mere apprentice, attending this conference would be an incredible thing, but she knew better. Everything she had ever attended as his apprentice - which was basically everything since she had been taken on by the Magus, seeing as how he always had some obscure reason why he couldn’t make it - had always been attended by “The apprentice of the Magus of Infinity”. There was no recognition of her own considerable talents - even this summons had been both found and deciphered by her, and the damn Towers only flew because she had figured out the spell and kept it active, and the entire cadre of automated servants in the Towers was taken care of by her, and -

Regardless of what she chose to rant about, it remained a fact that nobody had ever recognized her as more than a basic representative of her Master, the Magus. Nobody even seemed to care that she existed unless she invoked his name, and even then they spoke as though they were not speaking to her, but rather through her. Rulers would treat her like a messenger, casually brushing away everything she had to say. She would get haughty looks from other magical practitioners, all of them saying without saying, “Why would such a man bother with the likes of you?”

Naturally, it was always infuriating. She was where she was because she had the ability to be there, not because the Magus had felt bad for a child he’d found in the gutter. It wasn’t even that she wanted recognition for her talents, colossal though they were, it was that she just wanted someone to acknowledge she was actually a person.
Done in by the dubious doings of destiny.

30-Jun-2020 03:52:49



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“Miss, we will arrive shortly. I have prepared your formal robes, so please do not leave them behind this time.”

The one speaking was, for lack of a better term, an automated doll that she had created a while back as part of her training. There were many of them in the Soaring Towers, designed for taking care of everything that needed to be done so that the Magus did not have to. All of them looked entirely human, or elven, or whatever humanoid race the creator had designed them after when creating one, and they all had different personalities and could think and act as independently as any other sentient creature.

This one in particular was elven in design, and had been named Ania by her creator. She wore soft blue robes, had somewhat pale skin with the typical elven pointed ears and dark green eyes, and wore long black hair tied back in a ponytail. Her apparent age, although not indicative of her true age, was in her early 20s, and she was the primary caretaker of the Magus’ current apprentice.

“Dammit, Ania, just call me Rose.” The apprentice, Rose, turned to face Ania, blue eyes fixing on her as the doll spoke with a small bow. The balcony they were currently on was attached to the master bedroom of the tower, the second floor from the top. The tower itself was only five stories, one of the smaller sections of the Soaring Towers, but it was also the only one that was fully controlled by her. It was also the only section of the great structure to be present, as each tower could detach and move about independently of the central tower should the Magus wish it. All the rest were at least several days away, for she had been traveling to reach the summons for nearly four days now.
Done in by the dubious doings of destiny.

30-Jun-2020 03:53:02



Posts: 35,939 Sapphire Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
A faint smile came to the doll’s lips as she said, “Apologies, Miss Rose, but the Master requests deference towards you and himself. I also simply wish to refer to you like this, so I will continue to do so.”

“Stupid old man.” Rose muttered, turning back to face the open sky as her short, dark red hair blew in the small bit of wind allowed through the tower’s magical barriers. The tower had turned, and now her balcony was facing the approaching city. It was certainly something to behold, but she couldn’t help but wish that she wasn’t here.
Done in by the dubious doings of destiny.

30-Jun-2020 03:53:12

Own Amnesty

Own Amnesty

Posts: 21,305 Opal Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
A solitary man sat along a long and lonesome plain, poking the embers of a dying fire with a narrow strip of wood. He had made camp a dozen paces from the road, which was by daylight a decent and dusty thoroughfare, but now long settled, with sound scarce but for the occasional small vermin or insect that scuttered or skittered by. Even the wind was quiet, only reaching the man’s ears by the sometime rustle of the tall grass around his camp. His horse slept, but he found himself restless, perhaps too excited to sleep. He was a petty thief and crook, but now he found himself on a quest , if indirectly, in pursuit of the caravan he watched far to his west on the plain. The sun was rising.

To his right was a carafe of tea he had heated over the fire and left to cool. Now he poured some into a tin cup and drank.

The caravan ahead was comprised of warlocks (or sorcerers - he did not know the difference) and their hired guards. At a pub two days before, the lone man heard talk of a sign in the stars, a summons, the word of the Elflords of yore. Those warlocks decoded the message and assembled their guard, heading west for something they called “Pansilenus” the next morning. One guard fell to bandits the first day, and from his corpse the follower recovered a manifest confirming the purpose of the journey.

He could not read well, and he did not know what Pansilenus was, but he knew something great must await. Something greater than groveling, killing for coin, only finding honest work where his name was not known.
Joe? It's your post on Hard Times.

04-Jul-2020 04:31:24

Own Amnesty

Own Amnesty

Posts: 21,305 Opal Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
That name was Barases, and he had no known family, came from no clan, and so was known as Barases of No Clan, Barry No-Folks, or affectionately, Bazza. All three names generally appeared on the wanted posters, along with crude depiction of him, which by now was outdated; Barases had lost an eye since the last time he was apprehended.

Pulling silvery hair up into a loose topknot, he tied it with twine and then covered that lost left eye with a thin strip of cloth, tying it neatly round the back of his head.

Barases stood as the last embers of his fire smoldered and the sun began to illuminate the caravan, which by now was shuffling with some activity. He packed his bedroll, donned a steel breastplate over his worn white tunic, and pulled the long black cloak from his horse’s back over his own shoulders. The rest of the tea was dumped over the embers, creating a cloud of steam and a pungent herbal odor, before being packed into a saddle bag.

He roused the horse, a black stallion with its tail braided and mane cut short, called Oughbel after an ancient folk hero. “Right then,” said Bazza as he climbed into the saddle, “let’s crack on.” He smiled as he spoke, his one dark eye glinting in the sunlight, and Oughbel carried him slowly toward the caravan and toward Pansilenus.
Joe? It's your post on Hard Times.

04-Jul-2020 04:32:31

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