It felt strange recounting the tale, as if it almost came across as an outlandish tale of events even as he recalled it. Guthix’s words still rung in his ears. World Guardian. He hadn’t been able to keep Zilyana from killing Cres or spot Sliske entering Guthix’s resting place but now he was supposed to take on divine beings with armies at their backs? If it wasn’t sad that numerous and possible the majority of lives were at risk, it would almost be comical.
King Roald was the first one he told. Assuming that Saradomin would contact the temple knights and news would tickle down to the leadership of Falador, he wanted Roald to prepare as best he could. He already had to deal with a opportunistic Zemouregal and the threat of invasion from Mortytania but now a god wars loomed. It took all the with strain he had not to run that gloating loon of an adviser through with his sword though. That moron thought it was glorious news, with no comprehension to the danger that was now coming.
Then he went to Duke Horacio, the fremmeniks, the moon clan, Yanille and wherever else he could to let people know and be prepared. He couldn’t save Guthix but he wasn’t going to let anyone else die because they did*’t know what was going on. He wasn’t looking forward to informing anyone of Guthix’s death but there was someone in particular he was dreading telling and the time had come to inform them.
The ship was starting to pull into the dock. There was only a few minutes left and he still had no idea how he was going to tell her.
After he told Duke Horaico, the duke offered to inform the Dorgreshuun. It was a grim task to do but the council of Dorgesh-Kaan needed informing to start taking whatever protective measures they could. He was highly tempted by the Duke’s kind offer but declining, insisting he be the one to tell them. As the world guardian, he would have to get used to giving people tough news.
30-Aug-2015 11:48:14
- Last edited on
30-Aug-2015 11:50:11
Autumn Elite