

Quick find code: 49-50-97-66090708



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Throughout the whole situation, as bullets flew and the semi crashed through the road, sidewalk, and towards the buildings, Aisa’s thoughts were consumed with one thing: the people that were getting caught up in whatever this was. She didn’t need to try and deal with the truck; Steiner took care of that, albeit in a way that Aisa wasn’t sure she agreed with despite not actually having another real solution. Her own safety wasn’t the priority, either, not while there were other people that were in trouble here.

Unfortunately, everything happened so quickly she really didn’t have time to do much. Springing into action with a shout of, “
Everyone, move! Get back!
” she ran forward, ushering people away and trying to get those who seemed to be in a frozen state to start moving. It was a job only truly affected a few people, as most seemed aware enough to start running as soon as they heard the gunshots and the noise of the semi spiraling out of control. It was for those few that she acted, though, and when she effectively ran into the last one that hadn’t moved, jolting them into action, she too joined everyone in rushing from the scene.

Or, at least, she would have had it been enough. The amount of space that the crashing semi took up was far too much, and as she looked over, Aisa realized there really wasn’t anything she could do to stop this thing from turning her into a pasty mess riddled with shattered bones along with several other people that hadn’t started moving soon enough. The whole thing seemed to shift into slow motion, and as it slid across the street towards her she wondered if this was something that could have been changed or if it was just what was set up from the start.

That was when, for the briefest moment, she got a black flash in her mind, accompanied by what almost seemed like a voice. It was far more than just a whisper, but in the moment she still could not hear what it might have said.
Done in by the dubious doings of destiny.

14-Feb-2020 02:53:02



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It was after this moment, however, that something else did happen. The sidewalk and pavement in front of the unfortunate individuals stuck in the semi’s path began undulating and warping, and before long it had formed a deflecting barrier in front of the approaching vehicle. As the semi struck the conglomeration of asphalt, concrete, and whatever else the ground had been made of, it sent pieces of it flying, but did not fully break through, instead crashing past everyone on the sidewalk and into an adjacent building to the initial projected site of impact. Even then, though, the sidewalk had risen up to form another barrier, lessening the damage to the building itself significantly.

At the same time, the ground under the feet of all those that would be hit, Aisa included, moved in a way that grabbed then and very nearly tossed them out of the way, sending even the closest out of the new path of the semi. All of them tumbled to the ground, terribly confused about what was happening. Aisa was no exception, rolling to a stop as the semi screeched past feet from her legs.

In the end, an eerie silence descended on the area. Part of the road and most of the sidewalk was fully torn up, and several people were lying on either side of the semi’s path, staring back at it in shock as they processed the fact that they were somehow still alive. Those watching were likely just as confused, perhaps even more so if they had seen the ground tear itself up with absolutely no provocation from anywhere.
Done in by the dubious doings of destiny.

14-Feb-2020 02:53:12

Azi Demonica

Azi Demonica

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Her consciousness connected to the computerized world. With the viewpoint of a bot, she could see what transpired from above, and the avalanche of terror as semis crashed. Oddly enough, in one area, the road and sidewalks themselves arose on their own, creating a barrier that deflected one of the incoming semi trucks.

Willow also saw the interior of Phoenix Tower--for a time.

Meanwhile, the doc who tended Willow suggested to move her. Peculiarly, an electric surge unfurled. The doctor recommended everyone to keep their distance and this was done. Did he know more about Willow than what meets the eye?

Willow would awaken sooner or later. As she regained consciousness, one of the security bots hovered outside the shop, lights flashing. Several consecutive beeps sounded aloud. Soon, the bot a monotonous voice would speak from the bot: “Attention, subject: you have been detected connecting to automated police security. Prepare for final verdict--”


Jonathan’s communications received the following anonymous message:
Those people you had a meeting with--they are part of the reason the riot is one night. You’ll also notice that some of these crashed trucks towed trailers with your company’s logo on them. We THE PEOPLE will replace you THE CORRUPTION .

At that moment, a red dot appeared on the back of the CEO's head, aimed from afar...

26-Feb-2020 22:55:22 - Last edited on 28-Feb-2020 19:00:39 by Azi Demonica

Azi Demonica

Azi Demonica

Posts: 5,600 Rune Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile

The people ...

Whilst Steiner reacted the way he did, Aisa shouted for everyone’s safety and did what she could to usher and pull as many people she could. In that instant, although there was only so much she could do on her own, a destitute mother who carried her baby reacted in time to get away from danger.

Many others were unable to jump to safety. Steiner’s fire and the incoming truck created a cascading panic as the tractor-trailer turned over. Time itself seemed to slow down as Aisa beheld certain doom. Many around her screamed, others covered themselves and ducked, some continued to run in a last attempt to save themselves from a sandwiched grave as wheels and steel and concrete and people howled.

The voices--that is, one of them--returned. Then, and only then, did something strange happen. Something very, very strange.

The very concrete writhed and arose on its own accord. The barrier raised firmly--the semi truck and its trailer slammed into the deflective formation. Chunks and parts of engine and trailer avalanched along the barrier, the screaming set of metal scraping past Aisa’s feet and then slamming into another barrier raised to protect the next building--fortunately, nobody was in the way, as they had time to escape.

Meanwhile, Aisa and all those nearby in danger felt themselves quickly yet safely hurled out of the way. Indeed, after the danger and sounds lessened, it was simply replaced with confusion.

The road was split asunder and flanked by those who should have been hit. Those beyond the danger zone just stared, dumbstruck, bewildered, gripped by ignorance and awe.

26-Feb-2020 22:55:54 - Last edited on 10-Mar-2020 02:46:57 by Azi Demonica

Azi Demonica

Azi Demonica

Posts: 5,600 Rune Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Then, as the silence it dissipated, replaced by distant sirens and echoing panic, the people came to the realization they were alive. Huddled families and couples, children or pets in arms, friends and strangers a surreal moment, whimpers of joy and gratitude swept upon many.

Steiner, however, ran to the sizzling semi, the front of the cabin smoking and sizzling, preventing entry and visibility. He jumped on the side of the cabin and wrenched the door open, pistol in hand, but made little reaction. He holstered his pistol, shut the truck door, and hopped off.

Jenkins scampered to the scene, as shaken as he was surprised. He soon noticed Aisa, Gomez elsewhere and looking around while trying to find an explanation.

“Ms. Mello...what...what happened?” Jenkins asked.

Beeping came from Aisa's and Jenkins' communicators--although slightly distorted, the voice from her communicator asked, "Officer Mello, status report. Please respond..." As monotonous and cold as ever.

26-Feb-2020 22:56:02 - Last edited on 10-Mar-2020 02:48:05 by Azi Demonica



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It took a moment for Aisa to process exactly what had happened, and even when she had it was hardly any less confusing. In fact, seeing the destruction that something had caused, something that wasn’t the semi, made it even harder to understand. Something that should have been a terrible tragedy had been turned into scarcely more than a bad accident - although given the actions of the driver, it was very doubtful this was actually an accident - by a force that had not shown any signs of materializing until its work was already done. Nobody was dead, but a lot of them, herself included, should be.

Climbing shakily to her feet, there wasn’t much time to check on anyone around before others started trying to get her attention. It was fine, anyways; she could see that there didn’t seem to be any serious injuries from the way everyone was acting. Although that was a relief, it didn’t help explain anything, since there was nobody in the vicinity that was acting any different from someone who had just experienced what she had.

Her answer was given to the communicator first, a hand held up towards Jenkins to indicate that she would get to him shortly. The tone she spoke with was shaky, understandably enough, but she had enough semblance of professionalism remaining that she did everything she could to look as composed as possible in front of the people she had just tried to protect.

We’ve got a runaway semi, crashed into a building at my location.
” she said. “
There’s something else in play too, though; seems supernatural in nature. Whatever it was ripped up the sidewalk and stopped the semi from hitting anything important. The driver was neutralized during the accident, but there are no other casualties. Recommend sending a medical team to make sure nobody was seriously injured.
Done in by the dubious doings of destiny.

08-Mar-2020 21:44:32



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With that done, she called out to everyone, “
Everyone, please remain where you are! A medical team should be dispatched shortly to deal with any injuries, and we may need to speak to those of you that witnessed this!

Finally, she walked over towards Jenkins. She was much more composed at this point, and also a bit less professional than she had been when talking to everyone else. She also spoke a bit quieter, clearly not intending to make these words carry.

I have no idea. One second I was about to die, and then the next the sidewalk rips itself apart and saves everyone here.
” she told him. “
I didn’t see anyone do anything to make it happen, either.
Done in by the dubious doings of destiny.

08-Mar-2020 21:44:41



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Willow's body remained in the broken window as everyone dispersed. It wasn't long before the bot she had attached to found her. It was odd that it had detected her in its system, but it did so. It was hovering outside the window and it scanned her before the pre-recorded warning came out of its built-in speakers.

Electricity began to crackle around Willow. Subconsciously, she was protecting herself. The electricity grew and it attacked the bot hovering outside the window. The blast was powerful and would fry the circuits causing the bot to drop to the ground, sparks coming off of it. Nothing could get close to her body.


Willow maintained her focus on Johnathan by using the security cameras. She didn't know why she was there, but that something didn't seem right.

A red dot focused on the back of Johnathan's head. Immediately she knew what was about to happen.
The blasted the message into Johnathan's hud. Hoping that he would acknowledge it and duck or move out of the way.
There isn't one.

19-Mar-2020 15:03:26

Azi Demonica

Azi Demonica

Posts: 5,600 Rune Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile

Whatever that something was--clearly not the semi, something more than a bad accident--only time could reveal. Whatever it was, it had finished its occurence.

With shaky legs, Officer Mello got up, raised a hand to Jenkins for the moment, and reported the surreal incident while the citizenry obeyed her to stay calm and wait for help.

HQ replied, “10-4. 10-78 and 11-44, Code 3.”

Aisa answered Jenkins. He stared at her blankly, dumbstruck. He opened up a holographic sheet and jotted down notes.

Amidst the confusion, Aisa noticed a tall, lean, bearded Caucasian man. He wore a short-sleeved black jacket over a red T-shirt. A silver cross hung from his neck and glimmered. She could not see much else, but he appeared to be looking for someone. When the man and Aisa made eye contact, one of the voices in her head returned: You are not alone, Aisa . After that, the man disappeared amidst the crowd and there was nothing else. Even if she tried, Aisa would be unable to find the man again.

“Phew! Now that ...was a close call! Another day on the job, eh?” Gomez remarked once he reached Aisa.

A loud whooshing sound echoed from the skies. A police VTOL flew, accompanied by a flotilla of drones. It would not be long until the airborne force would reach 35 East Wacker, where the man who sent Aisa the message resided.

Yelling sounded. Aisa would notice an old friend: the bum. He remained shirtless, scruffy, blue pants a bit dirtied from the incident. He darted through the people, pushing and shoving as he went. Anyone in his way were hurled to the ground with surprising force, as if they were nothing but dominoes. The bum headed to 35 East Wacker, which was not too far away--just a few blocks or so.

21-Mar-2020 21:47:43 - Last edited on 21-Mar-2020 21:56:02 by Azi Demonica

Azi Demonica

Azi Demonica

Posts: 5,600 Rune Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
If Aisa tried to stop the bum, well, there were so many people in the way...

“Stop!” Steiner yelled as he darted after the bum, but frightened people were in the way. Although he tried, Steiner was unable to force his way through the mass of citizens, yet the bum had no problem overpowering up to several consecutive people in his way.

Oddly enough, the bum made no reaction to the overturned semi truck. In fact, he ran full-force into the trailer, head smacking into with an audible thud. He spun around and darted across the street, and again, overpowered anyone in his way. By that time, people in the area were quite startled, trying to get out of the crazy’s way, a portion scrambling.

“Damn! For a bum, he’s pretty strong!” Jenkins remarked.

“He must really need to find the washroom!” Gomez teased.

As the people dispersed enough to allow Aisa and the officers to at least see where he ran, his destination was revealed: a metal building’s side exit. A section of its wall adjacent to the exit had been ripped off somehow, presumably when the sidewalk ripped open, revealing damaged wiring and electronics.

At this moment, Aisa noticed the man who wore a cross, perhaps thirty feet away...

Now, however, he was clearly armed. The dashing man looked at Aisa--the exit door of the metal building burst off and a man inside fell onto his back, head bleeding. The door flew off its hinges and bounced off the bum, who barely staggered. The bum withdrew a large, modern, military-grade shotgun seemingly from his backside and raised it with obvious intentions at the man who wore the cross--both men exchanged fire. Nearby people screamed and scrambled...

Bullets flew back and forth violently, but only the bum was struck--the man with the cross skipped sideways, seemingly evading the spread of the bum’s shotgun.

“Shit!” Steiner withdrew his pistol, and then...

21-Mar-2020 21:47:58 - Last edited on 21-Mar-2020 21:52:33 by Azi Demonica

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