Hi, this is Tain again.
Pip wrote another letter, so maybe I should as well. Anyway, the project (to break free from controllers) is going very well. By working slowly, and every day, we are now able to move by ourselves for short periods. It started with an idea of Joppi'*; he figured that maybe, if we worked on just moving a fingertip everytime we were logged in, we might be able to move on our own at some point.
Right now we are at diffrent stages of movement: Anne, being one of the 'main' accounts, is doing very well; she can run for a very short time. She says that her controller has noticed, and indeed is complaining to her friends about the 'freeze-ups'. Her controller thinks the problem lies with the computer though, and hasn't noticed anything about Anne. Joppi, Will, Tman, and Shady are at about the same level of movement, and they can run as well. Pip, Katlin, Will and Will, and myself, are at a lower stage, and we can only twich.
This is the only plan we can think of, and it seems to be working quite well. Nobody'* exactly sure of what we'll do if we gain full control, but we all agree that we'll deal with it when we get there. Come and join us if possible, it would really help to get some new ideas, and new people. Don't be too scared of us, because Anne has really grown much nicer, and there are many less fights.
Come and join up! Talk to Pip.
18-Jan-2007 01:50:48
- Last edited on
19-Jan-2007 15:29:09
Anne Lauten