If you are a dreamer, come in. If you are a dreamer, a wisher, a liar, A hoper, a prayer, a magic bean buyer. If you are a lover, come sit by my fire. For we have some flax-golden tales to spin. Come in Come in...
~Shel Silverstien
I dunno, but your talent always makes me think of this poem I read so long ago...
30-May-2008 13:43:30
- Last edited on
30-May-2008 13:44:37
Citizen Meme
Thanks Matt, them there's some kind words! I agree with the dreamer part, but I'm not sure I can live up to the rest. And no, I don't have any threads other than the two you mentioned above.
Thanks Matt, them there's some kind words! I agree with the dreamer part, but I'm not sure I can live up to the rest. And no, I don't have any threads other than the two you mentioned above.
Dreamer -- yes!
Prolific writer -- erm, no!
prolific writer -- mean's u don't write much... so no.
|±‡±| I adhere to the rules because they provide structure and balance—No one is my superior |±‡±|
|±‡±|;:;:;;;;.::.:.;:;:;;;;.::.:.;;Thread Administrator in the Ýe Õlde Story Guild;:;:;;;;.::.:.;:;:;;;;.::.:.;;|±‡±|
I'm going to be away for about two weeks very soon, maybe longer. If people such as yourself can keep this and "Dreamweaver's Assorted Tales" alive, it'd be greatly appreciated!