Now the only problem, only mind you and this is just my opinion, is this paragraph.
“Devlin was like a brother to me,” he whispered, fighting to hold back tears. “We trained and worked together for more than forty years. Please allow me to return him home.”
Reading this in the story, I found, that it disrupted the flow. It was incredibly sudden, like a striking snake (In some cases it works... I just felt it didn't here). It just felt awkward.
What could have made this sentence would be a little more depth into their backgrounds from before. Something that makes the emotion "already known". Maybe when Nildi first met the Magi on the journey?
Now I know this sounds picky, but I can be picky. My bad Dream. But remember... This was the only fault I found with the story, and I was being incredibly picky.
14-Jul-2007 07:22:50