***The Parchment is Read***
“Your parchment contains an Abyssal script,” Invrigar announced. “There are many languages in the Abyss, just as there are on our material planes. This is not demonic, as it does not speak of power and corruption, yet it is tortured and filled with a twisted and terrible thirst for revenge. I believe therefore that this has been written by a shadow.”
“A shadow?” Nildi asked, cold creeping into his bones.
“Yes. Spirits may not be released and diffused at death for many reasons, hence the existence of all the ghosts and shades that we see about the lands. But if death is torturous and cruel enough, and if the spirit is forcibly barred from diffusing, forced to feel the rawness of its demise and never move on, it becomes a perpetual shadow of its own twisted death. It also becomes bent on revenge. Anyone interfering with shadow spirits can expect a great deal of trouble in return.”
“So you are saying that the Dwarf miners somehow interfered with these shadows?” interjected Nildi, shocked.
“I cannot answer to the actions of your miners,” replied Invrigar, “but I can assure you that something turned a shadow, or shadows, against your people. I cannot make out all of the marks you have written here, Nildi. But this is what I can read:
‘You grasp at us. We will seize you and… something… maybe grind… you into fine dust. You trap us. We will imprison you… I think it says cloaking… you in a… bottomless pit? No, an eternity… of despair. We come to… I think steal… steal the prison yonder… I think it’s yonder, but I cannot be sure… and wreak revenge upon your people one-hundredfold.’”
“I do not understand,” Nildi muttered. “How can the Dwarves grasp and seize at shadows? How can you trap a shadow? It makes no sense. But now my people will be persecuted for who knows what far-fetched action? This tells us nothing!”
21-Nov-2006 09:47:13
- Last edited on
24-Nov-2006 10:27:18