
The Blundering Adventurer

Quick find code: 49-50-947-63609271

Sep Member 2019


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I ran about Ardougne and its surrounding areas, completing all sorts of crazy tasks. I actually visited the Fishing Trawler for the first time! Unfortunately, there were more quests I had to do... "Tower of Life" being one of them. I got started on it, and after a little while, I finished the quest. The Ardougne task set had some pretty nasty tasks in it, such as the farming ones... One of these I had actually prepared for: Picking a watermelon in the Ardougne patch. So, when it came time to complete the task, I had it all done!
There were quite a few tasks concerning killing creatures in the Tower of Life. These weren't too bad; more of a hassle than anything. Finally, it came time to try and get on the winning side of a game of Castle Wars. I had only played Castle Wars twice, and I had lost both times, so I was a little uneasy. I waited for a game to start in the Zamorak lobby, and with 14 minutes to go, a spot opened up! I got to start early! Thankfully, the team I was thrown into was actually winning, so I chased about intruders and killed them where I could. Dare I say... I was actually having fun!
The game ended, and I completed the task. Phew! I completed a few more tasks, so the only ones I have left now require the Legend's Quest, and a farming one that I needed to wait 15 hours for.
Now, Pachocus invited me to a Duel Tourney with his friends! It was going to be us "low levels" (125 and below) competing against each other for money funded by the "high levels". I joined with them and the tourney got started! I was up firstm against a player named "Necrogyptian". I could have sworn he said we could use Protection prayers, but when I turned mine on, he got angry at me! Too late though; I had killed him. I was using a new strategy this time: Dragon Claw to Korasi switch!
I watched a few more fights before it was my turn again. This time, I was to fight "lquid".

06-Mar-2012 18:40:30

Sep Member 2019


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I killed him, but barely. He had some wicked Dragon Claw special attacks! I watched some more fights, and then it was time for the final fight. Whoever won this won the money! It was me versus "lquid" again! I was a little nervous; he had nearly killed me last time, so I had no idea what was going to happen. I found out pretty fast.
Long story short, he killed me in two Dragon Claw special attacks! I thanked Pachocus for inviting me, and I left his friends to bicker about who was lucky, who had cheated and who had an advantage over everyone else. It's all just luck to me
Tomorrow, I'll finish the Legend's Quest and claim my Ardougne Cloak 3! I've watched and read many guides on Frost Dragons, so I'm really excited to start!
Thanks for reading!
Good night!

06-Mar-2012 18:40:40

Sep Member 2019


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--February 26, 2012--
The pursuit for the Ardougne Cloak 3 proved to be much more tedious than I expected. I was going to have to complete the Legend's Quest, one of the longest quests in the game. Before I did that though, I decided I was going to complete the new quest, "The Elder Kiln" for that Early Bird Bonus. It was only going to last until the 29th, and so I had to get moving.
The Elder Kiln was MUCH more difficult than I had expected. During the very first part of the quest, I had to heat and cool and egg. I had no idea how difficult this was going to be! I failed the first time I tried it, and the second time, I would repeatedly get the egg's percent to ~80%, and then let it fall to 40%. Finally, after attempting for a long time, I passed that part of the quest.
The difficulty continued though. At one point, I was required to protect a creature from monsters and "players". I had seriously underestimated the monsters; until I got hit a 599 from one that is. The quest had an interesting storyline though. The journey to the kiln itself was a challenge. I had to range the giant Mages, while I meleed the other monsters. My Chaotic Rapier was awesome! A while later, I was required to balance some scales with Tokkul. As it so happened, I hadn't picked up the Tokkul from before, and because I hadn't, it actually disappeared! So I had to run all the way back to the bank, pick up some Tokkul and continue on.
When I was required to actually complete seven waves of the Fight Kilns, I knew I was doomed. Three waves in, I had almost no food left, and Prayer was running low. I tried my best, but I died on Wave 5. I came back, with better and more food. It was still a challenge though; how lower levels manage to do it I'll never know.

06-Mar-2012 18:40:51

Sep Member 2019


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Finally, I finished the quest! I achieved 67 Agility from it, and I used all the extra combat experience on Strength. But what I had wanted the most, over everything, was the new ring. It had awesome stats, and the best part was, it teleported me right next to a bank! This ring was practically made for Frost Dragons!
Right after I had finished this quest, I bumped into a level 70 player named... Well there were some numbers involved, but we'll call her Erica (It was Erica2457 or something). Erica was simply exploring the area, and we chatted for a while. I remember those days of exploration. Those days are long gone now though, as I have been playing Runescape for over five years. Erica had been slowly killing the low level TzHaar for their Tokkul so that she could buy an Obsidian Shield. I told her to wait right where she was. I didn't want to use any of my own Tokkul, so I teleported to the Grand Exchange, bought the shield and teleported back, where I traded the shield to her for free. She thanked me, and I went on my way.
With that quest done, it was time for the Legend's Quest... This wasn't going to be fun. As it turned out, my prediction was 100% correct. It was the longest quest I had ever done (Besides Mourning's End Part 2) and I was so happy when I finished it! No more demons, no more caves and no more jungles! Man, that quest took a long, long time. About four hours, at least. I quickly completed the two tasks that concerned it.
My Jade Vine still hadn't turned wild yet... Guess I'd have to do the next quest. The next one in line was "Meeting History". Unfortunately, I hadn't done its previous quest, "Making History"... Time for some more questing.
Making History was thankfully a very short quest, and after I had beaten it, I went on to Meeting History, which although it all took place in one area, it still took quite a long time to complete.

06-Mar-2012 18:40:58

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When I had finally finished Meeting History and had finished the task concerning it, I checked my task list. I still had a few to go... And they all required quests. I guess I hadn't realized how many quests I hadn't done
I still have to do "Enlightened Journey", "Kennith's Concerns" and "Catapult Construction". I guess my fights with Frost Dragons will be delayed a bit. There was one other problem. I had intended to use Super Antifire potions at Frost Dragons, but they require 85 Herblore to make... Man, I sure hope they're tradeable.
I logged on after I had been rock climbing and finally went out and killed my Wild Jade Vine. All that's left now are three tasks, each of which require a quest's completion. Looks like I've got a lot of work ahead of me!
Thanks for reading!
Good night!

06-Mar-2012 18:41:06

Sep Member 2019


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--February 27, 2012--
I didn't have too much time to play today, but I made the most of what I had. First of all, there was a story competition running in the Stories forum that ended on the 29th. I had to get that done, and quick! It only took me about an hour, but in the end, I finished writing the story and submitted it on the thread! If I win, I'll have my story stickied!
When I actually logged on, I was expecting to start "Enlightened Journey" and then while I wait for the Willow Tree to grow, I would finish "Catapult Construction". Instead, I found out that I could simply buy Willow Branches off the Grand Exchange; I didn't have to wait for Auguste's tree to grow! After that revelation, the quest went extremely fast and smooth.
In under an hour, I had totally finished the quest! Now all I had to do was take a balloon to Castle Wars! I probably would have never figured out how to operate the balloon without a guide, so my trip to Castle Wars was painless and easy. Task complete!
Only two more tasks until I can claim my Ardougne Cape 3! These require Kennith's Concerns and Catapult Construction. Hopefully I'll have those done pretty soon! Unfortunately, I have driving lessons on Saturday, so I might not have too much time to play then
Thanks for reading!
Good night!

06-Mar-2012 18:41:20

Sep Member 2019


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--February 28, 2012--
I was so curious to find out what today's update would be! I certainly wasn't expecting this! I read through the newspost, and what I was truly excited about was the server-wide broadcast when a player gets a big achievement. It's these little updates that really excite me! I logged on and was prompted by Yelp to spin the wheel.
My first spin didn't go so well... I got 40 Steel Arrows. I spun a second time... and got a Lucky Divine Spirit Shield. Ah, I'm just kidding. I got 50gp
I could tell that I was going to look forward to spinning that wheel every day! I had just come back from work, and so I didn't have too much time to play. Outside, the wind was howling while snow poured down over the city (Might classify as a town).
Time to do Catapult Construction! I bought all the required items for the quest and headed off on yet another quest. Halfway through it, Pachocus achieved 99 Strength! This was actually the very first time I got to witness the broadcast system! It appeared in my chatbox as "News", and at the exact same time that Pachocus achieved 99 Strength, another player achieved 99 Constitution!
I continued on my quest, and it wasn't very long until I had finished it. It was a really short quest!

06-Mar-2012 18:41:46

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With the quest done, it was time do go out and actually complete the task that concerned it. Oh no... I needed to use a Catapult within Castle Wars! Reluctantly, I teleported to Castle Wars and geared up. Let's get this over with!
I waited in the Zamorak Lobby (random placement) for a new game to begin. I made sure to pay attention though; I didn't want to miss a chance at joining in on the one already going! About ten minutes later, I was able to enter the current game. It was then that I realized I had no idea where the Catapults were.
Eight minutes remaining... Man, I sure didn't want to wait in a lobby again. I ran about frantically, looking for a catapult. Just then, a notification appeared telling me that a player named "Lanthow" had just achieved a Trimmed Compltionist's Cape!
I looked more, until I finally saw one. Unfortunately, I needed a rock to use it... I ran about more, desperately trying to find a rock. Finally, on the ground floor of the castle, I found a rock. I sprinted past my teammates and ran to the Catapult, where I finally completed the task!
The game soon ended, and I checked my task list. Only one left... It required completion of Kennith's Concerns. I didn't have time to complete the quest, but I did have time to buy a new emote from the Loyalty Shop! I've been working my way down the list for a while, buying all the most expensive ones. Today, I bought the "Disappear" emote. It wasn't quite as good as I thought it was going to be, but it was still pretty neat.
I ran to the Grand Exchange and loaned my Saradomin Sword to a player there for ten hours in exchange for 120k. I also purchased 50 Antifire potions in preparation for making my Super Antifires.
It's snowing heavily outside; if I'm lucky (and I mean really lucky) school might be cancelled for tomorrow! I won't get my hopes up, but that would be awesome!
Thanks for reading!
Good night!

06-Mar-2012 18:41:54

Sep Member 2019


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--February 29, 2012--
Leap Year Day!
Hi everyone!
Finally I had some free time to play Runescape! It wasn't a snow day after all (Had a nice six hour power outage), so I had to go to school... When I got back though, I couldn't wait to spin the Squeal of Fortune and finish that last quest! My first spin was so close to an Armadyl Chestplate! Instead, I got one Air Rune. My second spin rewarded me with 50gp
With that done, it was time to complete Kennith's Concerns. I headed over to Witchhaven and started the quest. It was actually more fun than I thought it would be, and it didn't take me too long to finish the quest. After a quick rank sweep for Mining Golds, I finally FINALLY completed the very last task in the Ardougne Set (Besides the Elite tasks). Now I could claim my Ardougne Cape 3! I ran about and collected my rewards from the other Task Masters and used the experience lamps on Agility. When I finally obtained the Ardougne Cape 3, I also achieved level 68 Agility!
Now I had two more matters to attend to. The first was getting some Super Antifire potions. It seemed that a good method of banking them would be to teleport to the Dominion Tower bank, so I took a carpet ride to Uzer and ran to the Dominion Tower... A lot farther than I thought.
There, I claimed my Dominion Medallion. I began the epic journey to pluck feathers from the Phoenix! The Dominion Medallion only had two charges (I used one to test it out, not knowing that it had charges), so I was going to get around 40 feathers. I was pretty close; After two trips, I had obtained 44 feathers. Back at the Grand Exchange, I bought ten Greenman Ales. Time to put those feathers to work!
I drank a Greenman Ale and withdrew the feathers and Antifires from the bank.

06-Mar-2012 18:42:02

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At first, I couldn't figure out why nothing happened when I tried to put the two ingredients together. Wait a minute... I had bought Antifire Potion (4)! I sold those and bought the three-dose version. I re-boosted Herblore and got to work. Unfortunately, Greenman Ale only boosts Herblore by one level, so I had to re-boost every other inventory. Three Ales later, I had finished off the Super Antifires! Now only one chore remained!
If I was going to camp at Frost Dragons, I was going to get some Effigies... And I was only going to get effigies if I used all the ones in my bank! And so the quest began to open all twelve of my Gorged Ancient Effigies. I managed to open four of them myself, due to Mining and Fletching requirements. The others required skills such as Runecrafting and Farming.
I asked in my clan first, and I met Homer3632 at Karamja to open a 97 Crafting effigy. After that, I headed to world 117 Daemonheim. While I was there, I assisted some people myself with 99 Fletching! I sat there for a while, looking for someone to assist me. I certainly wasn't going to pay someone for an assist, that was for sure.
The assists came slowly. Well all of them besides the Runecrafting ones, that is. They didn't come at all! Eventually, I had every effigy open except for three Runecrafting ones and a Crafting one. ForeverMandy took care of the Crafting one, so I was stuck with three Runecrafting effigies. I went back to world 117 to see if anything changed.
By some miracle, tons of people were now offering 99 Runecrafting! I opened the rest of my effigies within two minutes! Now was the fun part. I used all of the Dragonkin Lamps on Runecrafting, and after gaining over 300,000xp, I achieved level 87 Runecrafting!
That was it. That was everything I needed to do before I went to Frost Dragons. Well... Not quite everything.

06-Mar-2012 18:43:58

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