Heck, I took on The Death Knight in that cursed book and killed him with Lloyd alone... That was when I was out of life bottles and my teammates were down.
But I agree with Zenma a bit. I don't see how Yggdrasil and Zert are sort of the same. Yggdrasil mistaken his sister's last Wish. Zert actually KNOWS what he's trying to do.
... But that really... The Scyne thing...
I have read all three and I have NEVER seen any plot-twists as... annihilating as this!(my brain imploded, so I guess it's appropriate to call it that.)
It's just incredible how you can get everyone'sattention and bring them all into a state of utter awe.
I don't think he said he was making an X-void book, did he? He said something about a different book,besides, it would be hard to publish a book on an online game, which most people i meet hate....