In less than a second, the man used his single longsword to cut every arrow right down the middle, taking no damage whatsoever.
Undershadow cursed, then shot two more, which he put extra power behind. The man flawlessly leapt into the air, over the arrows, and landed with a swing toward Undershadow.
Undershadow thrust his bow forward, to take the full force of teh attack. Instantly**** bow snapped in two.
Undershadow cursed again, "I liked that bow, too."
The man stopped momentarily, contemplating his next move.
In that split second, Jay began a mad dash toward the man, and Undershadow pulled out and thrust his daggers.
In one fluid motion, the man backflipped away from Undershadow, and over Jay. As he landed, he stabbed toward Jay- hitting him squarely between the shoulders.
Jay fell in agony, feeling his hit points drain away, regardless of the shield from his Mod Interface.
The man kicked Jay's twitching boy aside, and stared at the stunned Undershadow. "I will ask you once more. Where is the program?"
Undershadow couldn't believe it: an unarmored man had just defeated two elite players, and hadn't even taken a single damage point to show for it.
"Look- we have no idea in the world who has the proram right now."
The man dug his sword into Jay's neck. "Are you sure?"
"The best lead we have is a man named Scyne: he may have it, he may not. We are here to check on it."
Undershadow nodded. "Yeah."
"And the pass word for the program? Do you have that?"
Undershadow shook his head. "I haven't the slightest idea where to start looking for a a pass word..."
The man spit on Jay, but finally let off pressure from his sword. "You best check your information. And know, I will be watching." With that, the man teleported away.
Jay restored his hit points through the Mod Interface, but could already feel a pulsing head ache in the real world.
"Whoever that was, I have a feeling we are going to have problems."
19-Jun-2006 09:09:49