Old house burns, but now we goes back to place where me meet her. Me feels it, and now they feels it too. We looks around place.
We looks left. There meadows of flame here, more colours than rainbow, little fires in big fires like flowers in grass. We looks right. There massive sea of fire, a blue sea with little purple flames jumping from it like fishes. There no smoke to hide it, we sees it in all glory. This world made of fire, but it not hot. It warm, peaceful, it make us calm. We feels so different with her than we did with Big High War God. She no laugh at us, she know what we is and she love us for it. And we loves her.
She comes to us, bright flames covering her like pretty dress.
"Welcome, my dear sparks. I have seen your past, the humiliation you have suffered. You have been downtrodden so much by your world, by Bandos. He was cruel to promise you glory and then treat you like filth, squandering the potential your fires hold for the quick wasteful burning of a pathetic, bloody war. He did not understand the true meaning of a flame. Flames are to last, and they are not to stop burning. Wars stop, life stops. But a flame, a true flame like the spirit, does not stop even when there is nothing but ash. It keeps burning, giving off light, warmth, energy, potential. It is the only thing that is truly immortal in the universe. Now go, my dear sparks. Take from within yourselves the eternal fires which you truly are! Eternal flames like love, nature, destiny, the soul! Show all of creation the meaning of true fire!"
And the place made of fire vanish, and we is back with old house still burning. We leaves this place. We has more fires to make.