This war might be the final chapter in this history if all doesn't go according to plan.
Which brings me to this next topic: I have put up with too much trying to represent the WK in the Republic when their voices are mostly...not present. Therefore, concluding this war I will no longer help you guys in a physical manner.
Spiritually, I'll always believe in you guys, but I can't keep trying to get you guys some recognition, praise, respect, and say in meetings when I don't get any respect whatsoever in the clan I'm working my ... my robe bottoms to help.
So yes, until the fifth I'll be doing what I can, but afterwards I'd prefer if none of you bothered to pm me with your little insults, your hate, your "I know you're going to betray us and..." because I'm over it.
Sorry Jona, Light, those that believed in me, but I've had too much of the outspoken minority hating on me.
30-May-2010 07:12:35