Thinking out loud:
The current situations of nylsugos, Lylander wishes to break the laws that bonded her from her old family habits, in an enourmous wave of crimes to W31's laws, either roleplay or messing with clans. This is of course, turning free to harm civilians, make a force of vampires and mass recruiting. Another reason of her incredible influence is of accepting important w31 figures in her family, I for one was one before I heard of this move. She was able to break the laws using Jackin123, who is a nylsugo too. I'm still working on a detailed list of nylsugos, but in resume: Phan Reigiki, some Wk generals (wont mention who), Spartans, and I suppose, some bks. And since Syvians are sided with nylsugos, Lylander holds very infulence on her family members and therefore be able to control clans, who's certain members are of her family. Right now, I'm supporting Roi and Big to turn this around, since we all have been tricked by Jackin.
Yours truly,
Wolfmorgue, Wk second in command.
20-Apr-2010 11:07:40