
SotD2: The Cycle Breaks

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Crystal Smee

Crystal Smee

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Hey, guys.
For those who don't know, my name is Smeeze. This story is one of my older ones. I've decided to repost it and have my completed works here. I should warn up front that it is not in any way my best writing; I've come a long way since I wrote this. It probably won't be edited any time soon, so just don't use this to judge my current talent. It's old, but it should be here.
This story, the Saga of the Dungeon (Sot*) consists of three parts. There was a fourth, however, it was never completed, so I've brought it back down to a trilogy as a complete entity. Said parts are as follows:
- The Trap of the Necromancer
- The Cycle Breaks
- The Rise of the Alliance
This story took up a rather large period of my life and was incredibly fun to write. It spawned everything from trying to build the dungeon in game in a house to a version using members of TGP (sadly, both of these were never completed). I guess the point I'm trying to make is that one, it has history, and two, it means a lot to me.
Aside from all that...a little about me:
In the real world, so to speak, my name is Bryana, and I'm an 19-year-old girl. I attend Northwestern University as a Radio/Television/Film major, and I'm planning to add on a double major in creative writing and a minor in global health. The plan is to end up in screenwriting. I'm originally from Boston, MA. I'm a diehard Boston Celtics fan and I kind of worship the show LOST.
As for my forum credits, I've been around awhile - going on over six years now (Holy ****). I've written a ton of stuff; other works include the Death Tournament series and the Gods Trilogy. Back in the day, I was a member of TWE and TIGA and a ton of other guilds. Once upon a time I founded and ran the Golden Pen. Lately I've been less active, as the real world has consumed my time...and as usual, I'm rambling.
Anyhow. I hope you guys enjoy the story.
-- Smeeze

18-Dec-2010 16:17:37 - Last edited on 24-May-2011 04:45:12 by Crystal Smee

Crystal Smee

Crystal Smee

Posts: 7,994 Rune Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Chapter 1
Exile stood outside the castle, eyeing his companions. The monstrous towers rose high above him, tickling the sky with their spires. A flag rippled in the icy wind, bearing the insignia of a gold coin and a staff; the symbol of an alchemist. Clouds piled ominously overhead. Leaning idly on the wall, he fingered the hilt of his poisoned dagger. Beside him was an older man, long dark hair shadowing his features. His deep blue-green eyes stuck out as they gazed across at the scenery, his cape tossed over one shoulder. The enameled hilt of a sword peeked from beneath the folds. His deep red armor glinted in the gray afternoon light.
Sighing, Exile glanced down at his own armor. A sheet of black chainmail. He had definitely not come prepared. The man beside him glanced at him, a smile parting his lips as he examined Exile from head to toe with his piercing blue gaze.
"I'm Matthew, Matthew Hence," he said after a moment, thrusting forward a gauntleted hand. Exile looked darkly at it for a moment, then nodded his head in acknowledgement.
"Exile," he mumbled. Matthew eyed him for a moment, then dropped his hand with a clank of armor. At that moment, a liveried figure appeared upon the battlements above. His brocaded red silks flapped in the wind, his blue cape trailing out behind him.
"The alchemist, he welcomes you to his humble fortress!" the servant called down. A groan of creaking wood announced the drawbridge being lowered, and the adventurers tramped over the murky moat. Exile peered over the edge into the swampy water and drew back almost instantly. That was most surely a body floating there, the red silks of this alchemist's servants unmistakable.
"Humble, bah!" snorted a man beside him. "This will most surely be my palace when I rule. Far enough away from the peasants for peace, but close enough to rule from. Perfect!" Exile's narrow gaze swept across the wiry fellow, contempt already brewing behind his eyes.

18-Dec-2010 16:19:05

Crystal Smee

Crystal Smee

Posts: 7,994 Rune Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
He could tell at a glance that the man was rich, almost just by seeing the way he stuck his nose in the air. Another arrogant noble. His steel chestplate shone with a fine polish, his silken green tunic showing beneath it. The man turned to Exile, arrogance lacing his words with venom.
"What are you looking at, peasant boy?" he sneered. Exile hesitated, then gave a broad smirk.
"Nothing that's worth attention," he spat back, his gaze lingering on the nobleman for a moment more. By now they had reached the grand double doors of the castle. They were ushered inside by a pack of servants and led to a grandiose lounge. The chandelier above glittered with diamonds, the candles casting flickering shadows that danced across the golden cushions below. Exile sunk into a soft armchair, relishing the luxury.
"Get up, peasant!" hissed the same man. "You'll dirty the cushions!"
Exile propped his feet up on the low table and shrugged, ignoring him. The man planted himself firmly in front of Exile, his blond hair coiling about his shoulders.
"I'll not have you dirtying my palace!" he growled. He was a funny sight, this skinny little fellow with his snide features and his hands on his hips.
"Your palace?" a voice sneered from the doorway. All thirteen heads swiveled the face the newcomer. Clad in dark robes, his hood drawn up to disguise his face, crimson eyes glittering, was the alchemist.
Matthew eyed the alchemist with a wary eye. The alchemist, meanwhile, brushed back his hood, then swept over to stand by the blazing hearth. The flames crackled and popped behind him. His oily black hair tickled his shoulders, his scarlet eyes peeking from beneath.
The nobleman blushed furiously. "Ah, well, you see, sir, I was hoping that if I win the treasure and all, perhaps I could buy your palace?"

18-Dec-2010 16:19:46

Crystal Smee

Crystal Smee

Posts: 7,994 Rune Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
The alchemist let out a low laugh. "That remains to be seen." Inwardly, he made a mental note to make sure this fellow died quickly. Bah! Like anyone would get out alive. Then he flourished a bow. "My name is Dramen Naar, I will be your host and benefactor for this adventure. Now you see, there are just a few rules which I must explain to you. Simple little things. But first, allow me to get your names, eh?"
"Exile," grumbled the shabby looking lad in the chair.
Matthew thrust out a hand, sweeping his dark hair out of his eyes with the other. "I'm Matthew Hence," he said brightly.
"The name's Zyran," muttered another young lad, who looked much like Exile. Dramen eyed them suspiciously. Both looked the thieving type. If he found anything missing tomorrow morning, well, they would be meeting some nasty traps.
A young man with shoulder-length auburn hair and a royal blue cape bobbed his head. "I'm Eta," he greeted.
"Sir Phillip van George the twenty-second," the noble announced proudly. "You can call me Phillip. Lord Phillip." Dramen barely managed not to wrinkle his nose. Oh yes, Phillip would die quickly. He could arrange that.
"Lance Narsh," murmured a fellow in the corner. His head was bowed, his voice soft. He was tall, though Dramen could see he was but a lad. He turned to the group of women gathered in another corner, who muttered and giggled amongst themselves as they surveyed the men. His eyebrows rose, inviting them to speak.
"Katherine Valentine," said one girl with a broad smile.
Dramen now faced a shy-looking girl in the back of the knot, her eyes downcast. She didn't join in the chatter. "Alyson," she shrugged.
"Amy," grinned the next girl, shrugging her brown hair out of her eyes.

18-Dec-2010 16:20:16

Crystal Smee

Crystal Smee

Posts: 7,994 Rune Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
An older, wiser-looking man stood apart from the girls, his curling white beard covering the length of his chest. "I would be Zeldonfen," he greeted, his voice a deep bass. Dramen turned to his last two adventurers, deep in quiet conversation. Under his steely gaze, they both looked up, blushing.
"Glevea," she declared, watching the man beside her.
"Larvald," he shrugged, then returned to his conversation.
"I suggest you heed my words," Dramen said sharply, regaining their attention.
The pair fell silent, blushing slightly. Dramen opened his mouth to begin his explanation, when another voice drawled "And I'm Radstrom Innend." The alchemist, surprised, looked up to see a young elf, perhaps eighteen or nineteen, leaning on the wall and twisting his quarterstaff in his hands. Dramen gave a quick smile.
"Ah. The thirteenth. I hadn't seen you." He nodded in acknowledgement. "Now, to explain what you are here for, and the rules." Matthew shifted forward in his chair and clasped his hands, listening attentively. Out of the corner of his eye, he noticed others leaving the sanction of the cushions to pay attention.
"You all have recieved word of a contest that I am holding. Your objective is to explore the Caverns of Bell'Or, deep beneath my palace. They are filled with mystery, adventure, and danger. There is one way out of this dungeon. You are to find it. There are two ways to win this contest. You can find the exit, or you can be the last one standing. Either of these will give you the one million gold coins."
Zeldonfen raised a hand uncertainly. Dramen broke off, bobbing his head curtly.
"Couldn't someone just, you know, kill everyone and win?" he asked quietly. Dramen barked a laugh.

18-Dec-2010 16:20:49

Crystal Smee

Crystal Smee

Posts: 7,994 Rune Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
"I was just getting to that, my friend. No, you may not kill anyone. Nor push them into a trap. I suppose if they are attacked you could leave them to die, but that is your choice. I will be watching you the whole time, so be warned that if you attempt anything, I will know. And you will meet a painful demise. Now, of course, you are humans, and require privacy for certain...circumstances. I will allow you that. But do not think that once my back is turned you may break the rules. It won't work." Here he gave a cold smile, showing his teeth. It could only be described as feral, bloodthirsty.
Larvald shivered under the alchemist's cold gaze. He glanced at Glevea, noting the look of pure disgust on the man's face. Quickly, he turned his eyes back to the robed man, as he was speaking again.
"I believe that is all, my friends. I will give you your packs with supplies. These may run out. So I suggest you take care on how you use them. Then you will be taken to your rooms for the night. You may leave the castle if you wish. You may not supply yourself with more provisions, however. That would be cheating. I expect you here at dawn tomorrow. That is all." The man snapped his fingers, and a chain of servants filed through the door. They bowed hastily to their master, then each found an adventurer to deliver a small, tan pack to.
Larvald rifled through his pack with one hand. He had lost an arm, though it was disguised by his long-sleeved shirt. Some hard travel bread, cheese, five canteens of water were the contents of his bag. Nothing remotely interesting. He bit his lip. These supplies wouldn't last long. He would definitely have to ration himself. He faced Glevea again, smiling shyly.
"Say, how would you like to come up to my room for a time, maybe talk some?" he offered, biting his lip. She grinned.

18-Dec-2010 16:21:07

Crystal Smee

Crystal Smee

Posts: 7,994 Rune Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
"I'd love to," she replied. Gesturing to the servant that stood attentively at her side, she led the way from the room. Larvald hastened to follow, his servant trotting after him. They were led up multiple flights of grand marble stairs, to a long hall bearing the chambers for the adventurers. Glevea was guided to her room, and Larvald made sure to note its location before being led to his own. After tossing the pack on the soft bed, he slipped outside. The rug flattened beneath his feet, his toes sinking into its depths. His boots were discarded on the floor. He saw a few of the other adventurers being taken to their apartments, though their names eluded him yet. Not that it was all that important.
He easily found Glevea's room, and knocked twice. The carved panels of the double doors swung open to admit him. He settled himself in a comfortable armchair, a dancing fire blazing in the hearth. He attempted to arrange his empty sleeve so it wasn't quite so obvious, though he couldn't fix it so it didn't lay flat. As Glevea lounged across from him, her eyes flitted across it, but she said nothing. For a moment, he studied her face, her auburn hair framing her face, cascading around her shoulder. Hard emerald eyes glittered beneath her mane, penetrating into his mind. Finally, she spoke.
"So, that alchemist..." she began softly. "Did you see the look on his face? There's more to this than a contest, I think." Larvald nodded thoughtfully, ripping his gaze away before she noticed his stare.
"He wants bloodshed," Larvald stated bluntly. "He's definitely going to kill us."
"We can always back out." Glevea frowned.
"No. We'll do what we can. If he's up to something, us adventurers are the only ones who can stop it. I don't trust him, but we have to delve deeper. I'm not quitting," he declared bravely. Glevea grinned.
"I'm with you, then."

18-Dec-2010 16:21:26

Crystal Smee

Crystal Smee

Posts: 7,994 Rune Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Meanwhile, Katherine, Alyson, and Amy gathered in another chamber. It was much like the others, with colorful hangings decorating the walls, a candlelit chandelier casting dancing shadows on the floor. The carpet depicted an epic battle, as the forces of good and evil clashed in a whirl of thread beneath the women's feet. Katherine brushed her dark hair out of her eyes and smiled brightly at Alsyon.
"Did you see that Matthew Hence fellow?" she asked dreamily.
"He's so handsome..." purred Alyson, nodding. Amy lounged apart from the others, twirling a lock of brown hair around her fingers. She grimaced at the instant talk of the men. Simpering girls, they did nothing to improve the opinion of women in this world. Humming softly, she faced the others. They looked expectantly at her.
"Yeah, yeah, he's pretty enough. But you know, a big strong fellow like him probably doesn't care. He'll want to win the contest," she stated bluntly. The other girls, surprised, fell silent. The young woman seized her chance and continued. "Look, winning this contest is what one of US needs to do. That Lord Phillip van Peterson the ninety-eighth or whatever, oh, you should have heard him--"
Alyson broke in here, her head bobbing furiously. "He started muttering obscene things to me as we were leaving. I wanted to slap him!" Amy barked a laugh.
"I did slap him, the fool. He started flirting with me. As if I would EVER be caught with a man like him..." she snarled. Then she rose abruptly. "I want some sleep. I'll leave you two to chatting about the pretty-boy contestants. I'll be resting up to prepare for tomorrow. Good luck, both of you." With a nod of her head and a click of heels crossing the wooden floor beyond the rug, she vanished through the double doors.

18-Dec-2010 16:21:48

Crystal Smee

Crystal Smee

Posts: 7,994 Rune Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Katherine raised her eyebrows and glanced at Alyson, who shrugged. "She's right. We do need to win this, if just to shut that buffoon up. If there's one thing I hate, it would be arrogant men." A moment later, she too had left for her own chambers. Katherine settled herself on the bed, loosing her boots from her feet. This was going to be one heck of an adventure.
Once more all the adventurers gathered in the sitting room, anxiously awaiting the alchemist's arrival. Radstrom leaned on the wall, fingering his quarterstaff. Their attentive servants had treated them all to a light breakfast in their rooms, then guided them down to the lounge. He was anxious, ready to begin this contest. He was confident, sure he could sweep this. Few of the others looked like they could truly fight, and only one or two used magic. Magic was a valuable asset in battle, no doubt about it.
There he was, finally. The fellow surely liked to make an entrance. The alchemist swept into the room, his midnight robes sweeping his ankles, crimson eyes glittering. "Welcome, my friends. The day has arrived. It is time to begin your adventure. You are all clear on the rules, no? I hope you are. Are there any questions?"
A young man raised a hand slowly, shyly. His shoulder length black hair halfway concealed a black star tattooed on his left arm. A blue cape was tossed over one shoulder revealed a long white sword in his belt, as well as the hilts of two more golden blades and a longbow on his back. Dramen gestured for him to speak.
"Uh, so what exactly will we be facing in this dungeon?" he asked, tongue in his cheek.
"Oh, all sorts of things," Dramen chuckled maliciously. "Traps, monsters. It'll be fun, no doubt." Eta nodded in appreciation. "Is that all?" Dramen continued.

18-Dec-2010 16:22:26

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