Bump (n).
1- a (small)protrusion in a surface, usually on the exterior of a human body or on an area of ground "we hit a large bump in the road and the car shook" (pl. bumps)
2- the event that occurs when two objects softly strike (or else accidentally hit) each other "I bumped my arm on the wall and now I have a bruise"
3- to meet an acquaintance or friend (in public without intending to "It's so nice to bump into you!"
4- to update a forum thread by saying "bump" without actually saying anything important
Giant Noob's Worst nightmare ME! I end up plundering him and tieing him too a pole while dangling in the mouth of dragonoth rex because he broke my mirrior of Guthix.
Bump… Jacob you don't have an excuse not to write noob stories now! I will mail you a pile of flaming dead bugs unless you write stories now!!!¡!¡!¡!¡!!!!!!1!!!!!!!one¡!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!