the last of chapter 75
james and dave were about to deal the final blow on eachother, when suddenly a dark zamorakian staff was unleashed upon the river salve!
james:umm... what's going on?
random player: VAMPYRES @ RIVER SALVE!
another random player:w00t l00t @ river salve! kill vamps for l00t!
james: ooh! vamps! at river... salve... meh. we should still kill them...
dave:<_< >_>
james:right after dave is finished...
dave: O_O
giant noob, his clan, james' clan, and all jmods kill dave
giant noob:right! so now, let's kill those vampyres, and now with our new found powers!
james:i'll explain on the way.
at river salve...
seal:so our powers depend on something in our names?
james:yep! show 'em giant noob.
giant noob: aight.
giant noob grows to massive size and becomes level 255!
all but james and giant noob:WHOA!
james:alright, so we all know what we're doing?
all but james: yup!
james:great! so, LET'S KILL THOSE VAMPYRES!!!
the evil took heavy damage, and they all lived happily ever after. the end (of this boss chapter)
Roses are grey, violets are grey, I'm in Pompeii, I'm lost.
19-Nov-2011 04:51:02
- Last edited on
21-Nov-2011 02:35:35