Aletayr moved his foot, immediately kicking away the club and then sent the short sword skittering after it. He took a short step back to give the tall man room enough to rise to hands and knees, and then he said, “Now go sit by your buddy there. And you,” he continued, now yelling, “You don’t get off so easily. Come sit by here by your friends. I’d rather not have to chase you, especially since it’d come to the same end anyway.”
At the sight of his henchmen defeated, the fat man had turned to the trees, but now he froze. He glanced back, as if he might be hoping Aletayr was addressing someone else. Aletayr held his eyes, then smiled when the man’s shoulders slumped. A minute later, the man was sitting by his companions, and like them, he gazed at the ground while Aletayr stood studying them.
“Now,” he said, “I get the unwelcome burden of dealing with you. I could tie you up and take you with me, but I’d rather not keep track of you all the way to Kryma. So the easiest alternative, of course, would be to just kill you.”
Their heads whipped up, faces slack. Their wide, terror-stricken eyes latched onto Aletayr’s face, and he smiled coldly.
“No please!" It was the skinny man who spoke, his gravelly voice now hoarse as well.
“What would you suggest instead, then? What would you do to convince me that you deserve to live?”
“Anything, anything at all. Just don’t kill us. Please!” That was the tall man, who still cradled the wrist Aletayr had stood on.
“Before Aletayr could respond, the fat man spoke, his high voice filled with contempt. “Fools! You panicking like a little girl, Relt, and you Jarik, pathetic begging. He ain’t gonna kills us, not in cold blood." He turned his sneer on Aletayr. "His heart ain’t stone, no matter what he says. He's a gutless runt.”
14-May-2010 02:30:05
- Last edited on
21-Jun-2013 07:13:51