
~` The Admiral's Fleet `~

Quick find code: 49-50-882-57529225



Posts: 35,595 Sapphire Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Latest Update: December 22, 2008
Latest Short: "Eventide"
Howdy. This is going to be a thread specifically for a collection of pieces of mine.
You may now post.
- Chek
Well, here we are with yet another Capt Chekaka Production.
This time, though, I'll be compiling some of smaller pieces that have no separate thread for themselves. Treat this as something like a short story thread, but with stories far smaller than any true "Short Story" that is normally posted.
These postings will include:
- Contest entries
- Short stories
- Small, unfinished pieces
So, I hope this thread will be midly successful, but I'm not expecting much.
Now, let's us begin.

30-Aug-2008 22:52:40 - Last edited on 23-Dec-2008 01:18:36 by CaptChekaka



Posts: 35,595 Sapphire Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
-=- Table of Contents -=-
Post 1: Introduction
Post 2: Table of Contents
Post 3: Rules and Updates
Post 4: Special Thanks
Post 5: Reserved
Post 6: 100 Word Entries
Post 7: 100 Word Contest Final Entry, Valour Preliminary Entry
Post 8: Valour Preliminary Entry
Post 9: Valour Final Entry
Post 10: Discovery Preliminary Rejected Entries
Post 11: Discovery Preliminary Rejected Entries, Discovery Preliminary Entry
Post 12: The Third Tronest Semi Final Entry
Post 13: Craddock's Contest - The Challenges - Round One
Post 14: Craddock's Contest - The Challenges - Round Two
Post 15: Craddock's Contest - The Challenges - Round Three
Post 16: Craddock's Contest - The Challenges - Round Three
Post 17: Craddock's Contest - The Challenges - Round Three
Post 18: Craddock's Contest - The Challenges - Final Round
Post 19: Reserved
Post 20: Invincible
Post 21: The Storm
Post 22: The Storm
Post 23: The Storm
Post 24: The Storm
Post 25: The Storm
Post 26: The Storm
Post 27: Reserved
Post 28: Reserved
Post 29: Reserved
Post 30: Reserved
Post 31: Untitled - Short Number One
Post 32: Truth
Post 33: The Inferno
Post 34: An Ode To The Hobo
Post 35: My Captain
Post 36: Grace
Post 37 - 50: Reserved

30-Aug-2008 22:53:14 - Last edited on 27-Nov-2008 20:22:41 by CaptChekaka



Posts: 35,595 Sapphire Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
-=- Rules -=-
Look, I'm not a fan of rules, but I have some for my thread.
1) No Spamming.
2) No Flaming.
3) No Art. (Not quite as important, though. ;) )
4) No Advertising without consent.
5) Enjoy.

-=- Updates -=-
September 1, 2008:
Soon to be working on a new piece, I think. I posted another new thread today regarding "WNOs", so I've been busy and was unable to write today. I expect my new short to be of about a post in length and deal with a river. I like rivers. <3
August 31, 2008:
I've posted a short piece on page four, post one. This short is untitled and was done for a contest, but it's fairly strong, methinks. Done in first person, it discusses a spy sent to light a beacon in hopes of winning a war.
August 30, 2008:
My next piece will be coming relatively soon, and it will most likely be something similar to 'Invincible', which can be found here.

30-Aug-2008 22:53:15 - Last edited on 02-Sep-2008 01:48:44 by CaptChekaka



Posts: 35,595 Sapphire Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
-=- Special Thanks -=-
Throughout my ten months on the forums, I've met some spectacular people. Each of them have had a great effect on my forum time, and I want to show those people my gratitude here today.

- Blue Orb 7
- Dudelydude7
- Smurf Black
- Lance Tiger
- Baeryn
- Patriot5
- Seven Rings
- Gaurdian1232
- Dav Dog92
- Geo the Arch
- Scout574
- Trumpet909
- Mbtsc­t
- Chuklz
- Wishfish41
- Real Rs
- Elitemage14
- Turtlemasta5
- Isocheim
- Joppi J
- Fred Zeppeli
- Whitewolf492
- Slay1820
- Star Man 11
- Parakarry267
- 121snake121
- Scoucher
- Anapanascram
- One Hot Stud
- Theturk55
- The Taunter2
- Dreamweaver
- Haru Glory68
- Sigurdur130
- Dougling
- Genzen Han
- Charmeddude0
- Arthas972
- Auroke­as
- Aspectofbane
- Game­r Xtreme
- Jak4299
- Crystal Smee
- Poller5
- O00 Wars O00
- Roshinda
- Zappo 6
- Hellophil
- Wizard 1440
- Torak546
- Jacme Slash
If you're not on here, but think you should be, then ask!
Thanks. ^_^ - Chek

30-Aug-2008 22:53:17 - Last edited on 03-Dec-2008 04:39:12 by CaptChekaka



Posts: 35,595 Sapphire Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
100 Word Entry One:
That was the last I heard before I felt the sharp tip of a sword pierce my stomach and force me to fall in excruciating pain. I heard my attacker’s cold laughter fill the air as my mind drifted into blackness...
As my sub-conscience took control, a light burst open in front of me, revealing a darkened silhouette. I could feel a force begin to pull me closer to the light, as if an invisible spell had taken me. Suddenly, the figure reached out to me. I silently took its hand, and I fell into an eternal slumber...

100 Word Entry Two:
The wind silently whispered across the plain, telling the world of the troubled past. Within moments, blades of grass twisted in all directions, succumbing to the silent story, while stars seemed to move closer, as if to listen to the great tale, and the moon illuminated the world below.
The brisk gales slowly died down, and the grass became motionless as the story was finished. As bright stars began to sink into the darkness, the moon crept below the horizon. With the passing of the moon, and the rising of the sun, a new tale would soon be told...

100 Word Entry Three:
A wooden door creaked open, and a man strode into the room with a large smile upon his face. Inside of the room sat a wooden chair that was placed in front of a desk, and upon the desk sat a large stack of papers. The man sat and chuckled sheepishly before removing his golden crown from his brow.
With a flip of his wrist, a magnificent quill appeared in his hand. He tapped the tip of the quill on his tongue and began to read from a parchment, silently marking down his remarks before anxiously moving on to the next...

30-Aug-2008 22:53:26 - Last edited on 30-Aug-2008 23:22:35 by CaptChekaka



Posts: 35,595 Sapphire Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
100 Word Grand Final Winning Entry:
An icy wind blew across the pristine tundra, carrying specks of white within its grasp. The beautiful flurries spiraled over the ground, brushing the earth like a lover’s kisses as a whistling sound emitted from their depths. The barren country was soon enveloped in a sparkling maelstrom of fragile beauty as the tiny shards swept over the land.
It was then the sun rose to its zenith.
The crystals fell to the ground like the tears of the sky, melting away in a display that tore at any aesthetician's heart.
Still, as the land knows, winter comes again.

The Second Tronest - Valour (Preliminary Entry):
Silent messengers of the violent past silently strode through the night, their majestic capes of frost slowly trailing behind. The darkened sky above held no specks of light within its hellish grasp; not even the moon dared to spread its magnificent light upon the world.
Darkness spread through the very heart of the land, and silently struck at the very core of hope itself. The grass, now covered with the white frost of night, casually began to dance to the mysterious call of ghostly shadows that moved in the darkness.
As the messengers seemed to slightly quicken in pace, the wildgrass responded with mesmerizing motions of their dancing blades, which valiantly fought throughout the blackness. However, overtaken was the faint sliver of hope that emitted from the swift movements of the terrifying evils walking upon the forsaken ground.
Still, the messengers continued.
The dazzling spectacles of light that would normally shine throughout the sky were forgotten in the treacherous whispers of the dark, and the moon continued to hide its face from the world. However, a single fragment of light glistened within the blackness; it was that of the ghastly frost that silently moved about the plain, encompassing the area within its foul grasp.

30-Aug-2008 22:53:27 - Last edited on 30-Aug-2008 23:22:51 by CaptChekaka



Posts: 35,595 Sapphire Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
In the distance, the sturdy walls of a castle loomed heavily in the sky, and, slowly, the mysterious travelers approached the darkened structure, with nothing but evil intents hanging inside their tormented minds. As the beings came near, stars began to lightly flicker in the sky, sending faint specks of light out into the treacherous world.
Still, the messengers continued.
Silence filled the air, and a terrifying feeling of desperation appeared by its side. As if being beckoned by Zamorak, the wind suddenly erupted into violent gales, shrieking through the midnight air. While the wind continued its fierce onslaught, the impervious walls of the castle were breached by the messengers of the the night. The ghostly gales knew their attempts were to no avail, and they silently retired back into their previous state.
From the darkness of night, a scream erupted within the castle, and all now knew: the message was delivered.

30-Aug-2008 22:53:28 - Last edited on 30-Aug-2008 23:23:00 by CaptChekaka



Posts: 35,595 Sapphire Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
The Second Tronest - Valour (Final Entry)
The wind silently blew through the darkened plain, leaving a maelstrom of whistling chaos in its wake. The trees fiercely bent with the wind as they succumbed to its overwhelming power, and the grass that covered the field melodically danced in response to the gales' strength.
Specks of majestic light dotted the darkened sky above, and the moon, partly hidden by the terrible clouds, slightly illuminated the area below. Like a dream, leaves were pulled from their branches and lifted into the air by the wind, spiraling in a dazzling spectacle of beauty itself.
Although overlooked due to the marvelous beauty of their predecessors, small clouds of perpetual darkness silently traveled across the sky. With the arrival of the hellish clouds, small droplets of freezing rain began to fall from the everlasting abode of their creators.
The wind, although originally but a playful device for the grass and trees, suddenly became a threshold of violence and masterful anger. The speed of the gales increased terribly, and the amazing power of the wind was far too much for the trees; they were ripped apart.
The moon and stars above were now completely covered by the blackness above, and only the sharp bolts of lightning that protruded from the heart of the evil trespassers above illuminated the forsaken land below. A loud crash of thunder erupted from the core of the darkness that covered the sky, and the rain began to fall in freezing sheets as the storm continued.
Cries of malice and destruction flew from the plains as the terrifying storm ravaged the land, and the wind, as it had done before, began to spiral within the field. However, this time the spiraling funnel was born of hate and despair, and, thus, the entire expanse was slowly being ripped apart by the torrential funnel of fear.
As the devilish display continued, the low voice of terror itself whispered through the area, saying:
The God Wars had come again.

30-Aug-2008 22:53:29 - Last edited on 30-Aug-2008 23:23:11 by CaptChekaka



Posts: 35,595 Sapphire Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
The Third Tronest - Discovery (Preliminary Round: Rejected Entries)
Sunlight faintly shined through the windows, allowing a magnificent spectacle of beauty to spray from its sight. The light had fallen upon a single man, who was kneeling in front of a large altar; sweat poured from his brow and dripped upon the cold floor.
Soft tears slowly drifted away from his eyes and fell, making their final resting place within the wooden boards that lay beneath him. Wiping away his tears with one quick motion, his eyes fell upon an enormous statue in front of him, and a single thought crossed his mind.
“I’m home.”

The soft rippling of water brushing along the coast flooded the air, allowing a soothing presence to survive within the sound. Every few moments, though, the chirping of birds broke the solemn atmosphere, but it was quick to return back to its previous state.
Soon, a breeze began to softly blow across the waters, catching the scent of the ocean in its soft grasp. The whispering gales, softly speaking of a time once past, enveloped the countryside with their immaculate touch. Hours passed, and a cruel mist slowly began to appear along the top of the icy waters; the wind was there to witness it all.

Darkness slowly traveled across the world, and not even the moon herself could break its incredible grasp. The light of the world, which had battled the dark for so long, had seemed to cease the fight.
The world, blanketed in the foul shadow, became full of malicious lies and violent pains that spread through its depths like a wildfire and destroyed the very essence of good itself. Wars erupted; people were killed; the night ruled all.
Although, there are still the select few that aspire to find the truth, and discover the light of the world once more.

30-Aug-2008 22:53:30 - Last edited on 30-Aug-2008 23:23:27 by CaptChekaka

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