
~` The Admiral's Fleet `~

Quick find code: 49-50-882-57529225



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The Third Tronest - Discovery (Preliminary Round: Rejected Entries)

The relentless feelings of despair poured over the countryside, enveloping the entire population within its foul grasp. Inexorably, the darkness forced itself upon the world with ease, for the light seemed to cease its constant battle with the night.
Foul shadows of blackness defeated the desolate landscape, and it became filled with vicious lies and violent pain that spread through its very depths. Wars erupted; people were killed; darkness ruled all.
Still, there exists a select few that aspire to find the truth, and discover the light of the world once more.

Relentless destruction has become a devastating attribute of our lives. Lies, corruption, and greed have descended upon us, and we all know of their effects. The world is blinded by the darkness, and none know of its true glory.
Over time, wars have run rampant across the land, leaving nothing but death behind. Countless battles have been staged, with many of them being but the consequences of one society’s foul goals. Still, there exists a select few that aspire for but one thing:
The truth to be set free.

The Third Tronest - Discovery (Preliminary Round: Accepted Entry)
The soft rippling of water brushing along the coast flooded the air, allowing a soothing presence to survive within the sound. Every few moments, though, the chirping of birds broke the solemn atmosphere, but it was quick to return back to its previous state.
Soon, a breeze began to softly blow across the waters, catching the scent of the ocean in its soft grasp. The whispering gales, softly speaking of a time once past, enveloped the countryside with their immaculate touch. Hours passed, and a cruel mist slowly began to appear along the top of the icy waters; the wind was there to witness it all.

30-Aug-2008 22:53:39 - Last edited on 30-Aug-2008 23:23:49 by CaptChekaka



Posts: 35,595 Sapphire Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
The Third Tronest - No Specified Theme (Semi Final Entry)
Endless wind, continuously pressing onward, moved silently through the plain; its spirit was forever living, always learning, always remembering, always discovering. As the gales advanced through vast fields of green, small blades of grass swayed in rhythm to their gentle caress; the dance was never ending.
Gracefully proceeding, the silence of the breeze persisted, constantly speaking of a troubled past. The blades of green, succumbing to the wind’s palpation, beautifully danced in response to the immaculate touch; the world felt its magnificent presence.
It always learns; it always remembers; it always discovers. This is the beauty of time.

30-Aug-2008 22:53:40 - Last edited on 30-Aug-2008 23:23:57 by CaptChekaka



Posts: 35,595 Sapphire Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Craddock's Contest - The Challenges - Round One
He was no stranger to battle but today he would be pitted against friends and family. He had hoped that one day he would return to Lumbridge as a triumphant hero but instead he was returning as an emissary of death. His mind, filled with the countless screams of his fallen friends, tormented him with its dreadful presence, almost breaking his will to live.
The silence of the night, broken only by the small whispers of the cool wind, ravaged his soul with its never-ending presence. Everywhere around him he could still feel the splattered blood; he could hear the breaking bones; he could see death. Surviving had been his only option - his only goal - and he had accomplished just that.
Now, however, he was given a new cross to bear, but he was against it almost completely. His blue eyes, lacking their original luster and pride, darted back forth in the midnight air, as if searching for something. His hair was covered in soot, disguising it within the darkness, and his face was engraved with an impression of fear and destruction.
His uniform, now stained with his own red blood, had lost all of its original prestige. Hope had seemed to leave the man, and it was as if he was destined to take on this final task. Images of shining swords and gleaming shields, basking in the sunlight, formed within his mind only to be replaced by the cruel pictures of pure devastation and malice.
Soon, the impressions that had grown in his mind seemed to transform into shadows. They formed around him and began to mock the delirious soldier as he limped down the barren pathway. Slivers of light fell through the trees as the moon slowly started to rise into the darkened sky. He knew that soon he would be in Lumbridge once more, and, when he arrived, the message would be passed.
In this one final stand, the enemy had taken everything.
Their pride.
Their lives.
Their hope.

30-Aug-2008 22:56:50 - Last edited on 30-Aug-2008 23:24:05 by CaptChekaka



Posts: 35,595 Sapphire Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Craddock's Contest - The Challenges - Round Two
Stars flickered with utmost elegance in the oblivion that was night. Accompanying these small specks in the abyssal darkness, a blanket of undying shadows covered the world, being disrupted by nothing but the majestic rays that radiated from the glorious object above. The moon, with all of its splendid prowess, battled the darkness with all of its might.
Then, the stars began to vanish.
One-by-one, the stars that had once dotted the midnight sky fell victim to the night. A deathly chill fell upon the trees on the ground, and only slivers of light were able to fall through the destructive abyss above. The moon struck out through the clouds, but it was to no avail; the wind prevailed over the lord of the sky, pushing the clouds deeper and deeper into its vast abode.
Battle cries flew from the depths of the gusts, and they rattled the leaves of the trees with their devastating touch. Lightning flashed in the blackness, lighting the world for seconds before abandoning it in its time of need. Light became a necessity; wind became an enemy. As thunder roared in the vast skies, the luminescence that had once comforted the condemned landscape vanished completely; the beauty had failed.
The earth became enveloped in a blanket of darkness, and all was lost. Nature betrayed itself, and, in return, it destroyed itself. Love for the night’s radiance had dissipated and a lack of faith quickly replaced it; turmoil reigned over the land of Gielinor, for few survived.
The stars were lost.
The moon had been defeated.
Evil had conquered the world.

30-Aug-2008 22:56:51 - Last edited on 30-Aug-2008 23:24:28 by CaptChekaka



Posts: 35,595 Sapphire Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Craddock's Contest - The Challenges - Round Three
Entry One: Mystery

A pristine frost lay, undisturbed, along the edge of the crystal blue; trees dotted the area with their large figures, some dangling over the side of the lake uneasily, yet with perfect balance, while their tops remained thin from the icy array from above. Few animals survived in this harsh environment, and the ones that did had buried themselves for the duration; it was, one could say, a perfect display of nature’s grace.
The air fell upon the land with a deathly chill, causing the natives of Gielinor to shield themselves away from its undying fury, its elegance. An immaculate silence filled the area, encompassing all that lay beneath the timid snow, while the moon crept along the sky with a watchful eye as the world below continued to slowly turn and change; but not all fell to this natural order.
Ripples slowly formed in the center of the beautiful lake, growing larger and larger as they moved away from their origin. A large object soon followed, breaking free from the icy depths and breathing the frozen air of the land, even if but for a moment. Breaking through the surface, the newcomer caused the water to churn uneasily with its arrival, as if trying to vanquish this newfound foe.
Then, it vanished back into the blue abyss below, swimming deeper and deeper into its core, leaving but a few ripples where it had broken free of the water’s grasp.
Deeper it went, back to its home.
Deeper it went, back to the darkness.
Then, the rippling stopped. The vast expanse recovered its peaceful display and, like it had never been there before, the creature dove even deeper into the depths of the Loch.

30-Aug-2008 22:56:52 - Last edited on 30-Aug-2008 23:24:47 by CaptChekaka



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Entry Two: Fairy-Tale

Doric stumbled uneasily in his small abode, a bottle of ale resting in his hand. His eyes blinked with contempt for the newborn sun as he wrenched the crudely fashioned door open with his free hand. Looking down at his doorstep, Doric noticed a package that had been delivered in the midst of the night.
“What’s this?”
Doric drank the last of his ale and tossed the bottle onto the ground, causing it to shatter into hundreds of pieces. Frowning, he grabbed the package and turned to go back inside. As he turned, he noticed a couple of travelers staring at him with confusion, and he screamed a combination of swears and threats before entering his home.
He slammed the door and sat down at his wooden table, greed filling his mind as he held the package and ripped away at the covering. Then, after completing this task, he stared at the items that rested within with silent wonder.
A note read: “Hello, my cousin! We here in the forests far off want to wish you a merry birthday and we have sent you a small item that expresses our love. Enjoy it! Signed, Doc.”
Curiously, he lifted out a solitary item:
A shining apple.

30-Aug-2008 22:56:53 - Last edited on 30-Aug-2008 23:24:58 by CaptChekaka



Posts: 35,595 Sapphire Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Entry Three: Western

Sand covered the arena floor as Xin eyed his opponent with malice, a darkened blade resting comfortably in his hand. His opponent’s robes blew carefully in the slight breeze, and his long, wooden staff stood high above his head.
Pulling down his helmet, he raised his blade warily and thrust his gleaming shield with force in front of him. A count started as a lone tumbleweed blew past them silently; they watched each other as the counter ceased to exist and a horn sounded.
Xin charged.
A wizard’s pride fell before a warrior’s heart that day, and all of Gielinor was relieved of their magical dictator.

30-Aug-2008 22:56:54 - Last edited on 30-Aug-2008 23:25:16 by CaptChekaka



Posts: 35,595 Sapphire Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Craddock's Contest - The Challenges – Final Round
It moves, far too quickly. By the time I'm used to the spoils of spring, I am enveloped by the grueling heat of summer and, whence I discover be love for warmth it brings and the lovely atmosphere that dwells within, it proceeds to change to autumn. The leaves change from an illustrious green to a fallen brown, while their mothers - and fathers - become bare, displaying their figures for the world to see; but this is not all that occurs.
Soon, the wispy brown oaks become enslaved by the prestigious snow that falls from the sky and lands atop their branches, forcing them to hold its almost unbearable weight; however, the landscape adorns a serene appearance, gracefully tossing snow through the air to create a dance that would fit a king's greatest tastes. Still, this cannot last forever - nothing lasts forever.
The snow will melt; the rains will cease; the leaves will die; the cold will rise to power. This is the natural order, the order that we have come to know so very well. Time stops for no man; time stops for no god; time stops... for nothing. Our frail existence is but a slight blemish on the beautiful waves of nature, for time will always be on her side. It always watches; it always listens; it always lives.
No man can stop the destructive waves that time brings amidst our path, for we are all victim of a blessed curse. Time, although menacing and without mercy, allows us to live within its presence, but we are also the sole receivers of its terrifying rage. The majestic waves that fill our hearts with love are brought about by time, but, to accompany this, the evil winds that invade our lives are also brought about by time. Is time an enemy? Or is it but a misunderstood friend?
For that, my companions, only time will tell.

30-Aug-2008 22:57:03 - Last edited on 30-Aug-2008 23:25:35 by CaptChekaka



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Short - Invincible
"The art of a warrior is one of humility, his mind set to win all encounters, both mental and physical. Each battle is a story of its own, and every tale must come to an end."
An armored man stepped out from the shadowed enclosure all around him, becoming visible to those that watched from the stands above. His iron breastplate shone with brilliance, while his platelegs, adorned with festive markings, sparkled in the midday light.
Blinded by glee, the crowd let out roaring cheers as the man entered the center of the ring. His arms were bare and specks of perspiration gave his arms a slick feel, while his muscles, surging with adrenaline, faintly beat up and down as he moved. The helmet beneath his forearm, engraved with the symbol of his family, gave off a blinding reflection as the sun's rays fell upon its metal craft. Making his way across the sandy area, he stopped and gripped the hilt of his sword.
He raised his left hand to the crowd, signaling his will to fight before them all, or die entertaining them. Carefully, he lifted the helmet with his left hand and placed it firmly on top of his head. Taking deep breaths, he grasped the shield on his back and lifted it in front of him while grabbing the hilt of his blade and removing it from its sheathe.
A golden hue seemed to form around the spectators as the warrior glanced up at one figure, seated in a large throne high above. The man, his lord, nodded in approval and signaled to the guards far to his right; it was time. The gladiator watched anxiously as a large silver gate lifted, and death’s foul jaws came for him.
A slash of blinding steel;
The tearing of fragile, mortal flesh.
A smell of running blood;
The lingering feeling of failure.
Nothing. No cheers came from the crowd; there were no glorious shrieks of victory, no cries of suffering. Silence crept upon the arena and embraced all within its grasp, while the fighter, in all of his glory, lay beneath the lion’s paws.

30-Aug-2008 22:58:36 - Last edited on 30-Aug-2008 23:27:11 by CaptChekaka

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