Hey Xan, I promised I would read your story, I really must apologize. I haven't the time recently, and the dearth of free/leisure time has prevented me from reading the story. I'm in my uncle's house in the country, so I have nothing to do besides read other people's stories.
This is clearly a perfect opportunity, and I will try to read as much of your story as I can.
Again, I apologize. By the way, just by coincidence, your story starts off the EXACT same way as mine.
Remember that I haven't read yours, so I couldn't have been influenced and/or transcribing it. We both start the story with one word.
One simple word, one simple phrase to start the story that we share in common.
Perhaps one of the strongest words in the world is a kick-off to both our stories. Death.
I'm glad that we have something in common with our stories, and I look forward to reading your story. Any help with my story would be appreciated but not neccessary.
Again, I apologize and am going to read your story right now.
Happy post-Thanksgiving and happy oncoming holidays.
28-Nov-2008 23:45:46