Profiled for future reference. Nice tips, Mod Scorpion.
_„,•+`'``'`+•,„_„,•+`'``'`+•,„__„,•+`'``'`+•,„_ Destroyer229 _„,•+`'``'`+•,„__„,•+`'`'`+•,„_„,•+`'``'`+•,„_
¯¨`•+.,¸,.+•`¨¯¨`•+.,¸¸,.+•`¨¯ Quester, Judge, and Holder of Balance ¯¨`•+.,¸,.+•`¨¯¨`•+.,¸¸,.+•`¨¯
_„,•+`'``'`+•,„_„,•+`'``'`+•,„_ Destroyer229 „,•+`'`'`+•,„_„,•+`'``'`+•,„_
¯¨`•+.,¸,.+•`¨¯¨`• Quester, LPer, and Holder of Balance •`¨•+.,¸¸,.+•`¨¯
Wouldn't it be nice to give a nod to the RSB Story Forum, so other players know there's a place they can bring their characters to life? I'd like to see a mention of that at the end.
All great tips, but #5 is especially pertinent and useful. Thanks.
Thanks and very helpfull! I am working on a personal created cryptic clue event for my clanforum. Making the clues more interesting with some storyline makes it more joy to play.
Okay. Well 1st of all.... What does "Profiled" mean?
I should Know this, but I dont. :p
Also Great Guide Ill Keep all that in mind For when im in my createtive mind state, and feel like making A story...
I think I might now.
09-Jul-2011 21:19:20
- Last edited on
09-Jul-2011 21:34:21
^ It means they're posting here so that it appears on their profile so it's easy to find again.
I strive to make the dialogue interesting, it seems like my main goal in writing, my other aspects could use a lot of work >.<
Though perhaps I use too much at times....
Anyways, thanks Scorpion for the nice guide
I wonder if this could be used partially on a Quest-Writing guide Amascut was going to write.
You can only fully appreciate a story when you experience it through the eyes of one of its characters.
Well considering how many fanfiction writers on these forums and elsewhere seem to have a less than adequate grasp of even these rules, I'm certainly grateful to have them posted in a place where all can see them.