Welcome, Trevinas!
Everyone, I heartily recommend reading Trevinas's first forum piece, "The Dishonest Field" (49-50-395-63991499). It's less than a page long and sets a really high standard of writing. I think you'll be impressed.
All we need now is more activity around these desolate and tumbleweed-swept parts!
12-Sep-2012 03:34:24
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12-Sep-2012 03:35:29
I appreciate that strong recommendation Dreamweaver.
I would also appreciate something to read. Someone, anyone, link me to something powerfully epic in its literary prowess and exemplary-ness.
Well no one else replied, so I suppose I'll blow my own trumpet.
Trevinas, the next time you find yourself in a reading kind of mood, maybe you would consider turning your favorite browser to "Nildi of Keldagrim" posted here:
That is it. The trumpet-blowing has now ceased!
29-Sep-2012 04:41:40
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29-Sep-2012 04:41:55