Chapter48 - Illusions 2
A hiss came from behind Agilidad–the beast that broke into the underground Carnelius Nar chamber–and it swung around. A man walked into the room the same way Agilidad had, and stopped in front of him. "Arquero was slain... you are lucky you have not been" The man–whose face was hidden by his cloak–snarled at Agilidad.
"I follow orders to come here... orders from you. Tell me not if I am lucky" Agilidad responded in a low voice. It turned its back, and looked up the wall. "Sacrifice?" it hissed.
"Soon... we need to see if they are truly ready. Until then I want to and the other five of your kind to take out any and all allies of them, including the Dark king." The cloaked figure barked, pointing at the exit.
Agilidad bowed his head, and walked to the exit wall, which opened automatically. When it finally finished opening, Chuckie(Salina) was standing on the other side. Agilidad pointed at the cloaked figure, and ran out.
"Blackrun is taking care of another issue, I am taking his place." Salina informed the cloaked man.
"Alright" he replied grumpily, shoving past her. "Make sure you are as secretive as him, or I'll personally let the demon go, directing him straight to you"
Salina bowed her head, and followed him out, the wall sealing shut behind them.
"LET ME OUT!!!" Chuckie roared from inside Derponet's tower, pulling with all his might on his binds, to no avail.
"Looks like you've lost this battle" The Servants voice laughed from somewhere in the room.
"Let me out or I'll personally rip you a-" Chuckie roared, before his body was surged with a blast of lightning. He fell as far as his binds would allow, and panted.
"Resistance is futile" Derponet laughed as he and the Servant approached his cell from the shadows.
"You made the mistake of betraying us all those years ago... and you're 'finally' getting what's been coming to you" Derponet growled.
"Do.. your worst" Chuckie spat in response, feeling another bolt of lightning.
The Questing Clan of RuneScape!
18-Jun-2009 19:39:16
- Last edited on
19-Jul-2009 04:40:59