Chapter23 - Shadow realm 4
"Wait up!" Jessica yelled up to Kingnoob, who was almost out of sight. Kingnoob heard the cry, and sped back to her within seconds. "How did you-" She began. "Ignore it" He ordered. "We need to catch up with Flare, and I can feel something off here. Someone is following us."
"Well, if someone is then they'd BETTER SHOW THEMSELVES!" Jessica yelled into the air. "SHUT UP!" Kingnoob yelled, pushing Jessica behind him as a blast of black magic crashed where she ha been standing.
"Surprise surprise" Derponet hissed as he rose from the black soil. "You're not the only one who's more powerful here, father!" He taunted, before releasing black electricity into Kingnoob. he allowed the dark bolt to surge through his body, then he sent it into the ground. "And you're not the only one with powers!" He barked.
"Y-you two know each other?" Jessica gulped from behind Kingnoob. Derponet looked at her, and laughed. "Isn't she a little young?" Kingnoob growled at the statement, and slashed at Derponet's face, catching him off guard.
"I'd stay and fight, but I'm afraid I don't have time. All I want is the girl" Derponet growled, his scratch healing. "Why?" Jessica nervously asked, before Kingnoob was blown back by a violent blast of magic. She turned to see Derponet reaching for her, then she found herself in an empty room.
Kingnoob woke minutes later, and cursed when he saw Jessica was gone. Another blast of fire caught his ear, and he sped off to reunite with Flare.
Enam struggled to stand, but managed to push the debris off of himself. Before he could stand, however, Mane had already rushed him and sent a fist hard into his ribs, his other into his face. Enam staggered back, and tried to attack Mane, who avoided and threw a punch to his stomach.
Enam coughed up a black goo, and fell to one knee. "You can not kill shadows... you are not our k-king!" He panted. Mane ignored him, and drove his foot into his chest.
The Questing Clan of RuneScape!
18-Jun-2009 19:29:37
- Last edited on
23-Jun-2009 00:13:41