
Apocalypse - A Dream

Quick find code: 49-50-79-65801812

Chosen Worf

Chosen Worf

Posts: 929 Gold Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile

Ash and rock crunched beneath my feet as I trudged up the barren slope. My companion, a robed, hooded woman, followed behind me; I had nearly forgotten who she was. We had been paired, she and I, specifically for this journey. She had once been vibrant, tall, strong; but the ash and the weight of the world on her shoulders had bent her back. She rarely spoke any more.

We neared the the hill's crest; a dull glowing dark moon, traced with a web of red cracks, watched our ascent. A lone lumpy boulder rest embedded in the slope; further up at the edge, against a small cliff, leaned a stick and thatch hovel. My companion and I walked towards the boulder. As we approached, features began to take shape: the outline of an arm, a bent knee, a hung head. It was no rock, but a giant , clad in chain mail and ragged cloth, its skin gray and lumpy, as if it had boiled and suddenly frozen in place. It stirred as we came closer. It leaned upwards on its knees, facing the disastrous moon, its face indistinguishable but for its mouth, which opened wide to reveal jagged, broken teeth.

“You have come, then,” it said, its voice that of rolling thunder. “Go, champion and his attendant. Fetch my counterpart. I cannot move from here.”

I nodded, and continued up the hillside towards the hovel; my companion remained beside the giant, staring upwards at the moon. A rustling greeted me at the entrance of the hut, which had no door, and no light within. A hag appeared from the doorway, even though I approached unannounced. She wore similarly tattered rags as the giant, though no mail; long, matted purple hair, thick enough to cover her face entirely, stretched down to her knees.

“Yesssss,” she hissed in a gravelly tone, “The time is nigh. Come, let me see you, champion!” At which she parted the hair in front of her face, revealing shockingly large, blue eyes that seemed to pierce my very soul, and a rounded inhuman mouth ringed with sharp teeth.

12-Jun-2016 18:25:39

Chosen Worf

Chosen Worf

Posts: 929 Gold Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
“You are adequate. Lead me on, back to my dear companion; we must hurry,” she said.

I turned, and holding her rough, scaly hand, led her back to the kneeling giant and my own companion. We turned, and faced the moon.

The hag lifted her arms in the air, and seemingly out of instinct, my companion did the same; and as their hands became fully outstretched towards the heavens, the moon pulsed. A shockwave of light and fire emanated from it; it shook, and rumbled, and the cracks burned with bright flame.

And slowly, it grew. Larger and larger, descending towards us, pulsing periodically; I could feel the heat and force in my bones.

It grew to cover a full third of the sky, and I could make out oceans of molten rock and gouts of flame erupting from its surface. It pulsed once more, forcing me and my companion to our knees, and the hag screamed in a wild voice:

“See! See how the bell tolls!”

My flesh began to burn, a tingling, hungering burn that sang through the whole of my being; and I knew that my mission was at an end. The moon sped closer; and with a crash that thundered through the heavens, it impacted on the land. I cried out in agony; my companion collapsed beside me. I looked down to see my body engulfed in flame. My last, only thought was for my companion.

My eyes then grew dark, and I knew no more.


12-Jun-2016 18:26:18 - Last edited on 12-Jun-2016 18:26:38 by Chosen Worf

Azi Demonica

Azi Demonica

Posts: 5,600 Rune Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Hey Worf. This is Azi, but I am using a different account, as my main was banned for hate speech when I advocated the right for women to defend themselves with guns against terrorists, apparently.

This dream-inspired short story begins with a simple but good sentence. You and a woman travel through an ashy world. I like how the moon as red cracks. The two stumble upon a rather ugly giant, who is rather too wounded to move on. Next, you two meet a hag. The champion, you, takes the hag back to the giant. The moon lands, you are on fire, and lose consciousness, and the story ends at that.

I think you met the same fate as the giant, whatever had happened. The words used are good, you have good descriptions that aren't too short or too long. Well, I was not able to figure out too much, but here's some comments anyways. I would have added some combat tho. OK, that's all for tonight, see you next time

15-Jun-2016 07:25:57

Chosen Worf

Chosen Worf

Posts: 929 Gold Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Thanks Azi!

You're definitely right in that this was dream-inspired; this is a near-accurate retelling of a dream I had not too long ago, and I had the urge to put it down in writing. There was no combat in the dream itself, so I included none; I do think a confrontation with the giant could have been a nice touch, but I feel like that would have detracted from his character as a spent hero from an age past.

15-Jun-2016 20:45:16

Azi Demonica

Azi Demonica

Posts: 5,600 Rune Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
You're welcome! I read that this was dream-inspired via The Novelists' Guild. But ya, as long as it was a practice and you got something done, it's good. Lately, I've only been working on my stories in Wattpad and FanFiction, under the username JonathanKonopka for both those sites, and some RPing here.

15-Jun-2016 21:45:12

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