SilverMoon (RP)
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and nothing was spoiled
17-Sep-2014 06:03:15
Important items-
Sun stone- a magical gem that shines yellow when enchanted, it has the power to cancel the power of the sun, with humans it can prevent sun burns but with vampires it allows them to walk in the sun.
Wolf’s bane- An flower that can hurt werewolfs if touched and ingested
and nothing was spoiled
17-Sep-2014 06:03:47
and nothing was spoiled
17-Sep-2014 06:03:56
and nothing was spoiled
17-Sep-2014 06:04:06
Known npcs
Mayor- Jonathan Barns
Mayor’s son Jonny Barns
Sheriff- Dale Clayton
Deputy- Darla Clayton
Owner of the bar called the Silver Inn- Bobby Springer
and nothing was spoiled
17-Sep-2014 06:04:47
Characters list
and nothing was spoiled
17-Sep-2014 06:05:06
Bio Format- (Nonbios are allowed if you prefer them then go right ahead just leave the fill out somewhere)
Short history
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and nothing was spoiled
17-Sep-2014 06:05:49
Name- Jack Steel
Age- 18
Gender- male
Race- human
Appearance- Jack is five foot nine and weighs one hundred and forty pounds. Jack has short spiky dark dirty blond hair and blue eyes. He is thin and has a tattoo on his shoulder of a skull. Jack wears a plain white tank top shirt, wearing black cargo pants with black socks and shoes. He wears plain clothing because he hates fancy clothing.
Personality-will reveal in rp
Short history- reveal in rp
Other- n/a
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Jack/18/male/human/ Guthix SS4
and nothing was spoiled
17-Sep-2014 06:06:31
Name- Vance Stong use to be known as Vincent Barbas the second
Age 150
Gender male
Race- vampire
Appearance- Vance is five foot eight and weighs one hundred and thirty pounds, he has pale white skin and is clean shaven. He looks about twenty, twenty one years old. Vance looks very fit for how much he weighs. Vance has dark slicked back black hair.
Vance’s clothing is a black tank top shirt, with black pants and shoes, on his wrist is a weird old looking watch with a yellow sun stone.
Personality- Vance thinks of all human’s as prey, and thinks he is the most superior vampire to have ever been created. Vance wants to bring Silvermoon to its knees and to release the elder vampires and put the world back to the old times where vampires and supernatural creatures ruled everything. Generally a really evil person
Short history- Will Reveal in roleplay
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Vance/150/male/vampire/Guthix SS4
and nothing was spoiled
17-Sep-2014 06:07:03
and nothing was spoiled
17-Sep-2014 06:07:17
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