" Sshh! " Nhoj interupted as he slowly and gently put the tip of his sword under the scorpian's body and lifted it up. He then gently placed it a safe distance away and returned
" Im really really sorry Kreg.. " Nhoj said again as he offerd him a hand up.
Kreg rolled his eyes and took his hand and stood up slowly. He then began to pull the needles of the cactus out of his crotch and legs while curseing and hissing sillently.
Nhoj numbed him from most pain and healed him useing lunar magic. " You need to be more careful.. I mean more then that.. You need to be paranoid careful.. Because i strongly belive you are cursed my friend.. " He said seriously.
" Whats the point.. Im jinxed.. Im sick of this.. And im tired.. "
" When you are ready we can go find a place to rest and maby get something to eat.. Then decide from there what to do.. " Nhoj said softly.
As Kreg pulled out the last needle and flicked it into the sand he nodded. " Ready.. "
Nhoj nodded and they went out the gate and got some kebabs from Kerim and then Nhoj payed someone to give them a place to rest for awhile since he couldnt see a inn anywhere. The beds were simple and were more like sleeping beds on the floor but Kreg was soon out cold.
Nhoj sighed and remained awake for awhile studying a few pages from his Guthix book and remebering his old friends..
" Blackriku.. " He whisperd to himself.
13-May-2009 00:27:25
- Last edited on
13-May-2009 00:28:36
Hex the wolf