After an all-night meeting, the rulers decided to pardon my mother. She was well liked by the townsfolk, and they might rebel if she was killed.
I however, was a different story.
I was imperfect, you see, for other vampires cannot see the magics that my mother cast, they see only a one-legged vampire with a torn face.
Added to being imperfect, I was too young (twenty-four), too strange-looking (remember that to them half of my face was shredded), and too bad in battle. Even though I'd killed that sorcerer, they still thought I wasn't good enough.
They decided that I would have to die.
The only way you can kill a vampire is by fire; swords wound them, but cannot kill. I was placed in a cell, with iron bars and only one small window high on the wall, tormenting me with the freedom that lay beyond it.
I don't know why I wasn't searched.
Perhaps nobody thought of it in time, perhaps they figured that I didn't have the skill to wield even the most simple of weapons. As I looked at that window, my hand brushed against Jasmang, my dagger. It could cut through anything, due to the enchantment to lay upon it. Passed down through the family, it was a dark-bladed weapon with a silver hilt, the inlaid rubies shining a dull crimson in the sliver of moonlight that escaped the window.
It took almost no time at all to cut through the bars.
It has been seven years since then, and I've been doing well. I was looking for another adventure, and found it in the shape of this expedition."
"But that still doesn't explain what's wrong."
"I was getting to that. You see, I AM a vampire. Vampires drink blood to stay alive, although they can survive on human food. However, human food tastes horrible to vampires. I've never tried to survive on it until now, which I now realize was a mistake. I nearly throw up every time I eat, which results in my not eating much."
Laressa looked unhappy for her friend's plight, but still asked, "You killed people?"
08-Mar-2007 02:24:25