
\<-_The Fatal Glitch_->/

Quick find code: 49-50-702-56883030

Infinity A8

Infinity A8

Posts: 10,192 Opal Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
"Hah! Fine, where should we meet?" Blorf thundered.
"A little west of Bounty Hunter, if you wouldn't mind." Adrian tried to keep his laughter down.
"Oh yeah, I'm gonna bring my friends along for this..."
Adrian moved his mic out of the way and chuckled.
"The more the merrier..." he thought devilishly.
"I have a request," Adrian said, putting his mic back into place. "No armour?"
Blorf's thunderous laugh nearly burst Adrian's ear drums. "You want to no armour a rune pure?! Be my guest!"
Adrian had already made his way west of Bounty Hunter and waited patiently for his victim to show. Within minutes, Blorf and one other arrived.
Blorf had nothing on and as Adrian asked to be shown his inventory, he presented a full bag of nothing.
Just as Adrian wanted.
"Wait for a moment," Blorf chuckled. "I have a couple more friends who want to come and watch!"
"No more," Adrian said. "While they're low leveled I don't want to be jumped if you lose."
"Fine fine!"
Within another minute, another two of Blorf's friends appeared. All three were leveled under fifty. Blorf himself was level one hundred and three.
Conveniently for Adrian, all were on his hit list. But how would he go about killing them?
Adrian knew his foes well, he knew what would happen.
The two players stepped into Bounty Hunter, the other three looking through the viewing orbs. Adrian had chosen to battle in a rather empty world and as such there were only around forty other people in the area.
The two opponents met without any troubles right outside a viewing orb for all to see. Adrian drank a dose of strength potion, as did Blorf.
The first blow was struck by Adrian.
Adrian's reflexes were impressive, every time his hitpoints would drop below thirty he would already have a lobster in his mouth. Every time Blorf was on low hitpoints Adrian had swung his rune two hander at him.
The fight raged on and although it was promised to be a fight to the death, Blorf ran.
Just as Adrian wanted.

15-Jun-2008 09:54:27 - Last edited on 17-Nov-2008 10:09:18 by Infinity A8

Infinity A8

Infinity A8

Posts: 10,192 Opal Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
One of the most complained problems with Bounty Hunter was that if you were hit upon exit, no damage would be dealt. Now whenever a player exited, their health remained as did any hits that would normally have been dealt before running.
Blorf had obviously run out of food and was fleeing towards the nearest exit. Adrian had changed to the rune two handed sword and swung it with full strength at Blorf before leaving himself.
As Adrian had clicked the exit cave he thought. Thought of the perfect way for Blorf to die.
Upon exit, Adrian found that Blorf was still alive, his hitpoints bar above his head with the tiniest sliver of green.
Adrian attacked him, the thought of his demise fresh in his head.
A five was hit.
Blorf hit the ground.
His friends around him booed Adrian for defeating him.
And just as Blorf had disappeared from Bounty Hunter his head began to hurt. He groaned in pain and set a message to one of his friends telling him he had to go.
He plopped himself down on his bed, clutching his skull, unable to figure out what the pain was. He thought he must have just been playing too long and needed something to drink, but the pain prevented him from leaving his bed.
Three days later, he would die in pain from a brain tumor.
And not one person would think that Adrian had done it.

15-Jun-2008 09:54:29 - Last edited on 26-Jun-2008 06:04:47 by Infinity A8

Infinity A8

Infinity A8

Posts: 10,192 Opal Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
~Chapter VIII~
-Two days later...
"Have you collected all of the data on the murders yet?!" Siegfried asked anxiously as he logged on.
"I have, I've been listening to Jagex's conversations about it," A replied. "I'm sure you'll be interested as to what I have to say..."
"It's time."
"There's only one person using the glitch currently..."
"We're going to attack, but first I need you to do something..."
"Hack into the network of a school in New York..."
"Do it, I'll explain. It regards the targets of the current murderer..."
"Siegfried321..." Katrina muttered under her breath, explaining to herself the events past.
"He was listening...I know it. Why else would he have been there? My chat was on too...I have to find him and see what he knows."
Katrina had attempted to speak with him before, as Jagex mods have the power to do but shortly after she had been in his presence he'd walked away.
More importantly, she wasn't able to speak with him via private chat; despite her being a Jagex Moderator. The same thing had happened to Swish.
"What is going on...?"
"...And so I believe that the murderer is someone at that school in New York. Particularly a fourteen year old." A explained.
Siegfried was stunned. "How do you know...?"
"Quite simply, all of the victims are the same; attending the same school and of the same age. My guess is that it's a simple case of school yard bullying." Wide eyes continued.
Muscles failed to see how he couldn't have noticed that as it wasn't hard to figure that out. "But what if they're just trying to make it seem like that...?

15-Jun-2008 09:54:34 - Last edited on 29-Jun-2008 00:27:53 by Infinity A8

Infinity A8

Infinity A8

Posts: 10,192 Opal Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
"...Even if they are trying to fake it, that still means we've narrowed our search to that particular region of New York. Who else would have information regarding American school children and what games they played and what their account name is? More importantly, what would the motive be? Bullying seems to be the most obvious one." A took a deep breath in after explaining it all.
"So we should begin our search there...?"
"So we should target people there?" Muscles asked.
"Exactly, so long as we're not seen we can effectively kill off people without arousing suspicion that there's more than one glitch wielder."
"Then we make our demands...?
Wide eyes smiled.
"Precisely..." He chuckled a little.
"...Runescape shall be ours..."
Katrina wandered through Varrock in the same world as before, trying to see if Siegfried used this world. But after almost a day of waiting around the town, she couldn't find him. Even if he did visit Varrock that day, what were the chances that she'd see him in the crowds of people?
Katrina had checked his profile and found that he didn't have any specific homeworld and that he just hopped every now and then. His message box contained twelve unread messages, indicating Siegfried didn't read his mail from Jagex. He had some black marks for offensive language but not enough for a mute or ban.
The thought clicked in her mind. She could ban or mute Siegfried to get his attention via the ban report! She could ask him to meet her and get everything explained; why Siegfried had been listening (if he had at all) and what he knew.
Katrina opened up her moderator controls and typed Siegfried's name in for a ban.
Then her computer abruptly shut off.
Confused, she rebooted the machine and tried again immediately.
Same deal, the computer switched off before anything could be done.

15-Jun-2008 09:56:04 - Last edited on 29-Jun-2008 00:43:27 by Infinity A8

Infinity A8

Infinity A8

Posts: 10,192 Opal Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Katrina scratched her head. Why was her computer-
She gasped.
Players with the glitch could not be removed via bans, only through death. And that meant...
She reopened the computer and this time proceeded to mute Siegfried. He'd have to be unmuted before she could get anything out of him.
Katrina then proceeded to type the following message to Siegfried in his mute report.
'I know you have the glitch. I also know that you were there in Varrock that day the player know as 'Swish' was killed. Meet me world 9 in exactly 24 hours time. If you do not choose to respond, you will remain muted and your IP address will be traced and you will be found.'
Katrina smiled, clicking the send button, happy to know that she had found who she thought to be the murderer.

15-Jun-2008 09:56:05 - Last edited on 26-Mar-2009 08:46:39 by Infinity A8

Infinity A8

Infinity A8

Posts: 10,192 Opal Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
~Chapter IX~
"A!" Siegfried, distraut with fear and confusion thundered into his mic. A had (again) been sleeping and stumbled out of his bed and looked at his computer screen. He switched off the macroing software that kept him logged in and placed his headset on while sitting down. He scrolled down his friends list and searched for Siegfried321.
He was offline.
In fact, A only had one friend online: Pur3pk3r112
"Siegfried...?" A mumbled. "...Why are you on your pure...?"
"I'm forwarding you a copy of a message that was sent to me by a Jagex moderator," Siegfried explained with a river of words. "Not just any mod, the same one that saw me in Varrock too!"
There was then a sound of an irritated sigh.
"And have some coffee or something, will ya?" Siegfried grumbled.
"Euch...I hate coffee, apples are better anyway..." A replied casually. A reached into his food bowl, kept by his desk and took out the aforementioned fruit. As he began to munch on the sweet, green apple, he opened up his messages and searched for the most recent one from Siegfried.
After scanning the document, A proclaimed "I suppose I should come with you to talk with her."
"And risk revealing that you have the glitch also!?"
"Risk it? I'm going to tell her I have the glitch."
"I've a fair idea of how she figured out you have the glitch and can easily prove I have it too. We can explain what we're doing and why we have the glitch still with us."
"Why DO we still have it?"
"Look at it this way," A took another bite of his apple and gulped it down momentarily. "I've no doubt Jagex isn't willing to kill someone in order to stop the glitch, especially seeing as they don't know who it is. However, I don't really give a damn if I kill someone for the protection of the innocent. I also know that you have no problems with killing people..."
Siegfried shuddered slightly as A said that. It was true, he had contemplated murder in the past quite frequently and almost killed once.

15-Jun-2008 09:59:58 - Last edited on 27-Mar-2009 09:00:15 by Infinity A8

Infinity A8

Infinity A8

Posts: 10,192 Opal Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
He just didn't like being reminded about it.
"How long 'till you're due to meet her?"
Siegfried checked the current time then the time he received the message.
"Three hours."
"Alright, in three hours time I will be waiting at the Varrock Fountain. You'll have to commune with me via external programs due to you being muted. Inform me of everything you're doing and if you move, which you most likely will."
"I understand."
Electricity surged out of the computer into the unfortunate victims torso, frying them internally. They fell backwards in their chair and hit the floor head first with a loud cracking sound.
Fortunately, they died before striking the ground.
Their killer stood in the virtual world of Runescape, dragon dagger poisoned in hand and armoured with Bandos tassets and chestplate, along with the helmet of Torag the Corrupted. Around his neck was an amulet of fury, his hands were covered by Barrows gloves and protecting his feet: dragon boots.
His partner stood to the right of him, Dharok the Wretched's armour shielding him and identical accessories to his partner adorning his body. Resting on his shoulder was none other than the Wretched himself's Greataxe.
Their location? Lumbridge Castle.
In front of roughly twenty witnesses, the pair of them had attacked and killed one of the players standing nearby. However, this particular player happened to be another classmate of Adrian's.
But neither of the pair was Adrian.
Every single player at the scene starting to panic, screaming random sentences and trying to log out.
"Shut up!" Muscles, the figure clad in Dharoks boomed, whilst attacking all of the players with ancient barrage spells so that they would not escape nor log out. "If all of you maggots wanna live, then listen good!"
Wide Eyes, the one in Bandos stepped into a position where he'd be heard by everyone and unaffected by Muscle's spells.

15-Jun-2008 10:00:00 - Last edited on 04-Jul-2008 08:19:50 by Infinity A8

Infinity A8

Infinity A8

Posts: 10,192 Opal Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
"Right now I want every single person in this area to tell all of their friends that if they try to resist, they will be killed." he began.
There was instant silence from the crowd which Wide Eyes hoped was them telling their friends.
"Today marks the beginning of a new Runescape, a Runescape where I listen to what the players want and give them it," he continued. "Today marks the beginning of a Runescape ruled by ME."
There were roars of disapproval from the crowd along with some players remaining silent.
"I will give you Player Killing back...Trading, staking...All of it!" He stepped in front of one of the players closest to him.
"What do you think?" He murmured sinisterly.
The player mumbled something unintelligible.
"I said I think things are fine the way they are..."
Wide Eyes gave a short, amused laugh.
A virtual hand moves twice.
Twin flashes of red.
The avatar drops.
Electricity bursts out of their computer, killing them on the spot.
The deceased player reappears right next to Wide Eyes, minus equipment or movement.
"Let that be a lesson," Wide Eyes declared to the terrified crowd. "THAT, is what will happen to those who defy me."
Muscles ceased casting his spells.
"Tell everyone..." Wide Eyes chuckled as Muscles logged out. "...That I, will rule."
He logged out, leaving the bewildered crowd to wonder what in Runescape just happened.

15-Jun-2008 10:00:09 - Last edited on 04-Jul-2008 08:22:15 by Infinity A8

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