Runescape. To me it is so much more than a game, it is a way of life. While other teenagers go out, drinking and partying, I honestly prefer to just stay in and play Runscape. Many have said that the game isn't what it was, that it’s dying, ruined, that the Evolution of Combat (EoC) update wrecked it, whatever, to me that doesn't matter. To me, it is still the game I know and love. I probably play it too much too much to be honest… But anyway, I had just arrived home from school and instead of doing homework like I should, it was time to XP gain! And in any case, I still had the rest of the week to do that homework.
So, I turned on my computer and loaded up Chrome to play Runescape. Of course most people do use the client, and so do I normally. However, recently a virus wiped the computer of all data, and I have yet to re-download the game client. But re-downloading it? Forget that, XP Waste! Because I’m lazy (though not fat or anything just pointing that out), I had also not added Runescape to my favourites, well I hadn't actually added anything to that, I had just got into the habit of typing out the web addresses. Due to my poor typing ability, I accidentally misspelled “Runescape” when typing out “Runescape*d0t](0m”. Irritated at myself, I went to click on the address bar to correct my error, but to my surprise the spelling error corrected itself and I was seemingly taken to the website without further delay. Hmm… I know there are fake Runescape websites out there, I should probably do a virus scan considering my recent experience. But* the website looked identical to the normal one, and unlike fake Runescape sites, the web address itself was completely fine.
29-Nov-2014 19:42:27
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29-Nov-2014 19:43:41