-- Basics --
Name: Daemn Soulwalker.
Age: Since the very first death on this world he has walked, since the first birth he has walked, the first second, the first minute, the first hour he has walked.
Race: Gaurdian.
Gender: Male
Alignment [Good, bad, or neutral]: Neutral.
-- Details --
Appearance of Character: Daemn stands at 6ft and has a thin body, his skin has a blue hue to it.His long black hair covers his icey blue eye's, and trails down his back. He wears a simple pair of trouser's covered in layers of dust, they fray at the edges. On his chest he wears a plain white tunic,which has also been blemished in dust from time's toll. Finally on his back he has a deep cut in the form of an X, from this he draw's his power.
Description of Weapons Used: A simple blade, dull grey in apperence, this weapon is made from pure onix,a sword that can never break, will never go blunt, this is the sword that allows him to cut open the barrier between the living and dead world's.
Description of Armor Worn:
Daemn wear's a simple brown cloak and hood to hide his feature's from the people of this world, under these are the clothes I described earlier.
-- Specifics --
Personality [Overall]: Barly talks, always follow's orders.
Brief History [Important Events]:
Daemn is the living bridge between the living and dead world's, it is his job alone to harvest the souls bring them accross saftely to the afterlife. However this will soon change.. as his role will shift..
29-Oct-2009 12:48:15