I posted this on another thread for someone, but they never used it. I have since used a similar character in one or my stories, but I think he is different enough to qualify as a unique bio.
Genre: Action-Adventure
Name: Koeh Verisar
Age: 438
Gender: Male
Race: Elf
Alignment: Follower of the goddess of nature, Seren. He fights evil, but with no remorse. He is for the greater good.
Appearance: He is tall, like an above average man, and bears many scars. Blue eyes, a blonde ponytail that comes halfway down his back and always keeps a soft smile on his face; despite the evil he has seen. Very fair skin, muscular but lightly built.
Clothing: He wears leather armour, chaps, body and vambraces, from the body of a crocodile. It's dark green in colour, old; ripped, cracked, faded, and has the remnants of blood dried in the cracks.
Over this he wears a long, hooded, coat which is always pulled low over his head, hiding his pointed ears. It's a tanned colour, and very dirty. It comes down to below his knees and is very ripped and stained around the hem.
Weapons: A crystal bow and hunting knife. The bow is stored at his side, hidden beneath his cloak; locked into place on his quiver which is also at his side (left). His knife is placed against his leg, the handle sticking out from his leather boots (which come halfway up his calf).
History: The elves fled Gielinor during the God Wars, choosing to hide over the mountains to the west. But a few stayed, a small group of the elite warriors chose to stay and fight along side Saradomin and Armadyl. After the God Wars they chose to stay, and cleanse the land of Zamoraks followers. Whilst doing so they came across many followers of Zaros and they split in two, half to destroy Zamorak and the other to Zaros.
16-Apr-2010 05:53:19