Review For: RuneSpace, by Dellanding
Grammar/Spelling: 20/20 - Maybe I was just too into the story and missed something, but I didn't find anything. =)
Description/Vocabulary: 15/20 - Pretty good, especially in the beginning you had some nice imagery, and in the fight scene at the end. I felt like there could have been a little more description of characters and weapons. For those of us who don't know weapons very well, like me, it was hard to imagine the different machinery they used. I liked how you often compared the world of RuneSpace to our world, it gave a nice view of everything.
Characters and Development: 15/20 - Very nice. Description of characters was good. I felt that you could have gone farther with some of the personalities though, it would have been more interesting if the main characters had more distinct personality traits. I like what you did with Tyler, making him into a vampire developed his character nicely.
Storyline/Plot: 20/20 - It took me a while to understand the plot in this. It had subplots with each quest, and built up the conflict with DoR that ended in an exciting battle. I like that, it made it more interesting. You couldn't really predict what would happen next; it wasn't as obvious.
Organization: 20/20 - Totally fine. This story had a lot of explanations needed, about weapons, and the world, but you did it in strategic places, rather than stopping in the middle of a battle to explain everything. Nice.
Overall Score and Comments: 90/100 - A really nice story. I like a lot of the ideas you had. You have a trend with virtual reality...I remember one of your first stories, two years ago (wow, its been a while...) It was pretty similar to this, though this is even more futuristic. I liked how you built the world in this, especially how each town was a different planet.
I noticed your writing style is a lot like mine...not really relevant, but I thought I might point that out. Anyway, overall this is awesome. =)
03-Feb-2007 20:23:56