
I'll pay you back someday

Quick find code: 49-50-656-65098944



Posts: 11 Bronze Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Okay this story is old and i have been trying to search it for a while.If you are a veteran you probably remember this story.
There was once a player named Bill, who, at the start point of this story is level three. He loves the game so far and has just completed tutorial island for newbies to teach them how to play. He banks his items in the Lumbridge bank and takes out his bronze pick axe, he walks to the mining area south of Varrock and starts to mine, his mining level is almost to 5 when he sees a fellow player in distress! This player has lost his bronze pickaxe because it broke and he did*’t remember to pick it up. Bill feels bad for him, and so knowing that he could get another in the Barbarian Village, he gave his own pickaxe away to the player. The player’s face split with happiness and Bill felt a rush of joy at the gratitude the other player showed towards him. Later, as he walked toward the Barbarian Village the other player sent him a private message:

“Thank you so much!” says the note, and then, “Friends?”

Bill felt suddenly full of delight for making his first friend on RuneScape and the two players talked for a while, exchanging their small amount of RuneScape knowledge with each other.

“I’ll pay you back some day.” The player said to Bill.

Bill is now combat level 10, his mining level is 30 and he is selling his old pickaxe. The trade window is up, and the player who is buying it puts twenty k too much money on by accident. Bill, who knows he could buy himself two new pickaxes with this, takes a moment to think about his choice and then decides to be honest.

“You put twenty k too much money on.” Bill says to the buyer. The buyer takes off the excess money and says, “Wow, I did*’t even notice, thanks a bunch!”

30-Jul-2013 15:01:47



Posts: 11 Bronze Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Bill buys himself one new pickaxe and continues to mine. Later he is whispered by the buyer. The player tells Bill that he had accidentally put all his money on before Bill had reminded him, and that it had taken him a week to make it all, and that he would love to be friends with such a decent player.

Bill is very excited about his second friend, and he smiles to himself. He mines some iron; he has about 400 iron ore now and is planning on selling it so that he can buy a better weapon and train his combat level a little higher. All of the sudden, he sees a player die, and he rushes to the spot where the person died and fails to pick up the items because of others flocking to the spot.

Bill goes back to mining, but five minutes later the player returns, sorrowfully asking if he could have his stuff back.

Bill’s heart goes out to him. He had seen all that the player had dropped, It had been at least 10 k worth of items, and Bill said to himself, “Well, I don’t really need my iron ore…”

He whispers the player and tells him to follow him, he walks to the bank and trades the player his iron, before returning to his mining.

The player adds him and thanks him many times, his gratitude overwhelms Bill with joy but he accepts it with only the smallest of ‘You’re welcomes’, before returning once more to mining.

The player says, “I’ll pay you back some day.”

Bill’s combat is now level 45, his mining is level 75, and he has assorted levels other than mining. He is fishing at Karamja and sees a level 5 running through the jungle, pursued by a level 14 scorpion. Bill quickly decides to help the player and runs over to kill the scorpion. He then cooks one of the lobsters he has caught and gives it to the player. The level 5 thanks him multiple times and asks Bill to add him.

“Thank you so much,” the level 5 gushes to Bill. “I’ll pay you back some day.”

30-Jul-2013 15:02:22



Posts: 11 Bronze Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
“Thank you so much,” the level 5 gushes to Bill. “I’ll pay you back some day.”

Bill smiles, he has 9 friends now and talks to them while he fishes, telling them about fishing and exchanging tips. He has many lower level friends than him, but he doesn’t care. He sells some lobsters and decides to go questing. He wants to finish all the non-members quests before he goes on to members. He buys a rune chain and a rune skirt because he cannot afford rune legs. He then he begins to quest.

Bill is fighting at the Black Knight’s fortress when he sees a lower level in full trimmed adamant, he is quickly dieing as he is being barraged by attacks from knights. Bill fights his way to him, and helps him kill the offenders. The two finish the quest together and become friends while doing so. “Thanks so much!” the player says,

“I’ll pay you back someday.”

Bill is level 50 now, and is a member. He has 60 quest points and his levels are average. He is not a special player when you look at him, but he has friends that really appreciate him. He is working on his woodcutting and is chopping maples before continuing his exploration of the member’s world. He finally sells his maples, and in his full rune walks happily around. He is in a place he has not been before, with his food (just incase) and some anti poison potions he has just made.

Bill meanders the unknown paths; utterly lost, but completely content when sees something he will never forget. There is a level three with a blue party hat on, he had just been attacked by a poison plant and is poisoned. He only has around 4 hit points to go before Bill can be the richest level 50 around. Bill watches and waits for him to die, 3 hit points left, Bill watches blinded by greed. 2 hit points left, Bill is struck by a thought, “What if this were me?” He quickly trades the player, giving him an anti poison potion and some lobsters. The player uses them quickly and then, says, “You are an amazing player, add me?”

30-Jul-2013 15:04:11 - Last edited on 30-Jul-2013 15:04:39 by Fbeast66



Posts: 11 Bronze Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Bill obliges, feeling the usual rush of happiness and then adds the player to his growing friend’s list.

“I’ll pay you back someday.” The level three said.

Bill is level 77 now, his minimum skill is level 50 and his maximum is 99 fletching. He has worked very hard, and has many friends. He talks to all of his friends constantly and enjoys playing with low levels and helping them do quests.

Bill has been working for a blue party hat, and is still in contact with the level three he saved. Apparently, the level three is a “skiller”, and had gotten the party hat from his brother so he wasn’t actually all that rich. Bill had worked up to 6 million when a fellow woodcutter, and good friend, died and lost his whip, his dragon legs, and his dragon square shield. Bill felt horrible for his friend, and after very little thought, gave the fellow woodcutter his 6 million gold pieces, thinking that, ‘Well, at least I’ll gain extra woodcutting levels.’

The fellow woodcutter is both shocked and amazed at his generosity and told everyone he knew about Bill.

“I’ll pay you back someday.” He whispered to Bill.

Bill has worked all year for the party hat and has finally made it. His mining is level 89, his fishing is level 99, his magic is level 99, and his woodcutting is now also 99. He has made many friends while working on his skills; however, he is still level 77.
He has set up a trade with a fellow player and is on his way to Edgeville to buy the party hat. On his way he thinks about how long he has worked for this hat and how much he wants it. Though he has gained many friends in the last year and has enjoyed his time working for the hat, he’s also been waiting a long time for it. Every day he spent laboring over mithril ore, chopping at magic trees, and spearing sharks was another day that his dream of finally having a blue party hat grew.
Finally he gets to Edgeville and trades the player, he sees the blue party hat and puts out all his hard earned money.

30-Jul-2013 15:05:40



Posts: 11 Bronze Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
He accepts along with the other player.

In his haste, he did not notice the player taking away the blue party hat.

They accept again, and Bill glances at his inventory. Nothing.

Bill is shocked. He doesn’t know what to do, so he spends the next few days woodcutting, he does not talk to his friends. He does not help people. Finally, everyone asks what is wrong. Bill did not want anyone to know because they would only feel sorry for him and probably give him something, which would only make Bill feel worse.

As he grows more solemn and morose, his clan chat fills with his friends, wondering what is wrong.

Finally he tells everyone the truth so that they will stop pestering him. He then logs out, needing some time alone to collect himself.

The next few days are silent, Bill doesn’t know why, but he is so depressed he doesn’t care. Finally, the level three that he met told him to add someone who wanted to meet with Bill at Edgeville, the place where he had been scammed.

Bill adds the player, not knowing why, and teleports to Edgeville. He sees him and casually walks over. Then, by instinct he right clicks him and notices something unusual: a red 126.

“My gosh” Bill thought. But nothing more until:

‘This is my main.’ Says the 126.

Bill is stunned; he had always assumed the level three to be simply a level three with high skills. The player had never even mentioned a main, and Bill had never thought to ask.

“I did*’t tell you because I wanted you to like me for who I am.” Said the level 126, “not for my skills or my money.” He traded him and showed the blue party hat. He then accepted.

Bill was stunned into complete silence. Then he began thinking about all the work and time he’d put into saving up for his party hat. And then he’d received nothing for all his efforts. Did*’t he deserve this? But still—it wasn’t his friend’* fault that he had been scammed, and his friend did*’t deserve to pay for it. After all, it had been Bill who had been careless;

30-Jul-2013 15:06:20



Posts: 11 Bronze Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
too consumed with desire to even notice the scam. Bill declined the trade.
.“No,* he said. “That is way more than it was worth when I saved you.. You keep it. I can do it, eventually I’ll have my own.”

The two players remained silent for a while, and then finally the 126 said, “It’s not just mine.”

As if on cue, people started logging in around them. Bill looked on his minimap, they were all green! These were all his friends! They started all saying what he had done for them, that they wanted him to take it. Their sympathy was overwhelming. Everywhere he looked, Bill saw a friend, and his chat box was filled with things he had done for them. Bill’s face split into a smile, and he accepted the next trade.

He equipped the blue party hat, and despite the cheering and celebration, he thought back over the years, how he had accumulated all these amazing friends, and could not help but feel gratified.

His friends had paid him back.

[The End]

Man named bill get friend for helping.friend happy.friend pay back after scam bill

30-Jul-2013 15:06:43 - Last edited on 30-Jul-2013 15:07:44 by Fbeast66

The Donut
Jul Member 2023

The Donut

Posts: 711 Steel Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
this story..
is the best story ive read in years.
i remember being a low lvl and starting combat first and helping this lvl 5 out because he was about to die and seconds later he comes back on his main with 500k cash.
i couldnt accept it tho because i didnt work for it.
but lesson to be learned, hard earn work pays off :D
When the lights out its less dangerous here we are now entertain!

02-Aug-2013 15:54:57



Posts: 36,328 Sapphire Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
I remember this story from a loooong time - the real owner or creator of this story is a player/forumer that goes by the name '
'. She wrote the story of Bill and it made several forum lurking eyes tear... Could you please add her to your opening post, giving her the proper credit please? :D

I don't know where she is but she's amazing. :)
Old forum user.

09-Jun-2014 22:37:29 - Last edited on 09-Jun-2014 22:39:43 by Maxi

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