This story made me think a lot about myself.
I figured out that the way I think in the game of Runescape is amazingly different then how I think in real life.
Thank you for sharing your story, I enjoyed reading it.
.......¸‹•**•›¸............‹¤*²*¤›¸.......Ich Verruckt.......¸‹¤*²*¤›............¸‹•**•›¸.......
...¸‹*.........¸ˆ‹¤*²*¤›¸›,¸¸¸,¤ˆ.....In the PK Race....ˆ¤,¸¸¸,‹¸‹¤*²*¤›ˆ¸.........*›¸...
‹*.¸‹•*°*•¸ˆ....›,¸¸¸,¤ˆ...............I Gank your Face.............ˆ¤,¸¸¸,‹....ˆ¸•*°*•›¸.*›
....ˆ›,¸¸,‹ˆ..ˆ•›,¸¸,‹¤º¹º¤›,¸¸‹*To Protect my Mates*›¸¸,‹¤º¹º¤›,¸¸,‹•ˆ..ˆ›,¸¸,‹ˆ....
16-Jan-2010 13:39:48